A storm in a teacup

@kate930 Only caveat I’d add to this is if you’re deep in prep/peaking, then considerably more focus and minutiae apply but that’s such a short amount of your lifetime.

Per usual, consistency is #1.
@fez I agree. The fine fine details matter only at the end of prep with just a few weeks before show time.

Most folks here don’t prep and will lift probably for a year before stopping because some random shit they think prohibits them from working out.
@kate930 I feel like this sub grew considerably while r/fitness was shut down, and a lot of the questions people posted there migrated here. It happened to r/bodybuilding too but the mods over there were proactive with cracking down on it.
@kate930 I think this mentality is correct on paper but frequently fails in the real world. It’s easy to say “oh I can miss one day of training” “oh I’m visiting grandma” “oh I had a long day at work” etc…. Over and over until all of a sudden you’re barely adhering to your diet or training. It takes training maturity to know when to relax and when to worry about the details, and going through a phase of draconian adherence is a common part of that path
@ghijk5021 You have a point but I think this post is more directed towards the guys obsessing over trivial shit, rather than people giving themselves a little grace when life gets in the way.
@kate930 Unless it's dangerous I always say just fuckin try it. Just showing up at the gym consistently will get you results. There's a lot of guys with decent size that don't really know what they're doing but they've grown because they're consistent. If you don't know something google it and if you can't find an answer it's probably not worth worrying about.
@kate930 The only advice most people on this sub need:
1. Train hard.
2. Eat enough food.

There’s loads of nuance, but most people are messing up one of these.
@kate930 First part hit me hard haha. Needed to hear it. I go 5x a week and just had my first two days off in a row in a long time due to life and it’s messed with my brain/confidence haha. Going back today but you’re right, it’s not the end of the world.
@kate930 I'm interested to know of all the members here, how many actually compete? My first INBF comp there were only 8 guys and the next one had only 6 but there's hundreds on here counting calories and stressing about bodybuilding, but where are they on competition day?
@dawn16 I plan on it at some point. Have a show marked September of 2024 in my calendar right now with 7 months before that as a "decision" day.

That decision is going to be based on body comp after a slow, steady mass phase.
@kewin I plan on competing at some point. I'm at the point where I know I need a coach. I definitely need one for posing, I'm debating if I need one for my training or my actual diet. I'm back in school full-time so I only have so much monies 😭

Honestly, I wish the physique pics were more acceptable on this sub. It'd be nice to hear an honest opinion from folks about where I'm at. The BB sub has a lot of photos. I never see anything like an "aspiring bb here. what do you think?" type photos
think about other aspects of life, try to enjoy other things in life

I had to work so hard to learn this. In my initial days I used to be obsessed with working out: feel bad if I missed a session, skip out on cakes/chips because "working out" etc.

Now it's all about balance for me. I work out because I love it, and it's good for me. I don't deny myself stuff anymore. I eat chips at social events and alone at home.
@kate930 Jim Wendler who is obviously not a bodybuilder but is strong AF calls it majoring in the minors.

People focus way too much on stuff that doesn't matter and ignore the important stuff like just work hard
@kate930 Kinda unrelated but I feel the same way about people fearmongering alcohol on online fitness pages. Stuff like, you cannot make gains if you drink, maybe a couple drinks with friends once a month is ok. Like what?! Yeah it's not ideal but unless you're top tier or on a heavy cut, a few days of moderate drinking a week aren't gonna hurt. And honestly as long as you don't overdo it kinda makes a bulk pretty chill. I guess all that and the fact that people that post stuff like that are probably young and think that drinking = getting plastered.
@easy813 Most people legit drink too much. It affects you more than you think, even for people who don’t lift.

Multiple days a week is not a good idea for health and energy.
@easy813 A few days of "moderate" drinking a week are definetly going to hurt no matter who you are or what you do. Even one day a weeks is too much for most people.