Accessory Exercise Philosophy?


New member
78M. I'd like to get stronger in my accessory exercises and wondering how to best adjust reps and or sets. For example today's back/bicep workout
  1. deadlift 2x10/215 lbs. plus 3 warm-up sets. I've got a good handle on this and expect to get to 225 in 4-6 weeks.
  2. barbell row - 2x10/120 lbs. I've been stuck here for a bit, don't generally do a de-load set. Go to 2x6 (or failure) at 125 lbs.? In other words, lower reps to the point of high confidence or just got to failure each set? Generally applies to other accessories.
  3. cable rope curl - 3x10/100 lbs.
  4. Seated Wide Row - 3x10/120. Very hard/impossible to get through 3 sets with full range of motion. Not sure how to get stronger on this.
  5. Assisted Wide Pull-up - 3x10/24Kg assist.
  6. Dumbbell Curl Alternating - 3x10/27.5 lbs.
Going to failure on these accessory exercises would probably limit to 2 sets or pick a low number of reps, say 5/set for 3 sets, and gradually advance the reps/set at this higher weight?
[sup]In other words, lower reps to the point of high confidence or just got to failure each set? Generally applies to other accessories.[/sup]

If reps and weights are the only think you are trying to 'change' - I think definitely lower reps to the point of high confidence (I presume this means, repetitions with quality forms), and just hit set RPE 8-9 (1-2 repetitions in reserve).

I know I may not be answering your question directly, but the repetitions in each set would vary a lot, depending on your daily wellness, rest time between sets, etc, so the key is to hit set RPE 7-9 for the exercises. And if you feel like you are stuck on your progress, it might be good to take longer rest between sets or remove one or two exercises from above to see if you can recover properly.

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