Is there a 'formula' to help determine the appropriate rep range to use from the 5-30 range for a specific exercise?

@harley Failure in perfect form on high rep squats means you're probably missing out a lot of stimulus. I'm not saying you should lift with shitty form, but for most people form on squats or deadlifts will start to breakdown before 3RIR. You're better off doing high rep leg press where form isn't an issue, but even for that it starts becoming cardio instead of bodybuilding for most people.

There's no secret to gaining muscle fast, other than hopping on the secret sauce. 20 reps or 10 reps or 5 reps, there is no magic number and if there was everyone would be raving about it instead of telling you it's not that good.
@harley If a high rep set of squats or deadlifts tires the lifter out and doesn’t allow the target musculature to be the limiting factor, then high reps aren’t gonna be great for that specific lift for that specific individual.
@doks Agree, however I never noticed fatigue be a limiting factor in high rep squats or deads, always thought my muscles failed first (no I don't go to real failure in these exercises) but I will try to observe it more closely next time I do my 15 reps of RDL or whatever.
@harley idk from personal experience repping out squats and deadlifts 15-30 reps is just not ideal because by that point I am more limited by cardio than I am by the muscle so I don't think its worth from a stimulus to fatigue ratio.

Its not bad for hypertrophy but its not ideal/optimal

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