Advice about doing an 8 days split instead of a typical 7 day split.


New member
Hi everyone.

So I understand that most research shows that as long as you do about 12 sets overall volume for each bodypart over the week then it doesn't make a huge difference which body split you use. For myself, I find I need a day's rest inbetween each workout. This is both for recovery and also for work / life committments. So my question is: if I do a split over 8 days instead of the usual 7 will I lose potential gains? This split will also allow me to do more swimming as well which I really love.

Here's what I'm thinking:

Mon legs + bis

Tue rest

Wed chest + abs

Thu rest

Fri back, forearms + pm footy

Sat rest

Sun shoulders + tris + 20 mins swimming

Mon Rest

REPEAT so Tue legs + bis

So basically making it an 8 day split. Any advice really welcome. Cheers
@two 12 sets per 7 days = 1.7 sets per day

1.7 sets per day for 8 days = 13.7 sets

Just do 13-14 sets per 8 days if you're concerned about equalizing volume between the two splits.
@akguy I've tried upper/lower splits but I find it too taxing, just too many upper body exercises to do. I know you can spread the exercises over the week but I've struggled with that approach.