Advice for leg day and routine


New member
I'm not a fan of the gym lately and bought a bench and some light to heavy (for me) dumbbells. I made a workout routine with exercises I enjoy and was wondering if (as a rookie) I'm missing anything major or doing something that'll hinder gains. An example I was thinking of is Farmers walks. I READ they're great for forearm strength and growth, but they're almost a full body workout. So would this interfere with my rest days for legs?


Workout A (Tuesday, Friday)
- Chest Press
- Pull Overs
- Tricep Kickbacks
- Close Grip press
- Up and Down Planks

Workout B (Wednesday, Saturday)
- RDL or/and Squat
- Glute Bridge
- Calf raise
- Rows

Workout C (Thursday, Sunday)
- Curls
- Hammer Curls
- Shoulder Press
- Farmers Walk

THE SECOND question I have is, as a slightly overweight noob training the best I can for hypertrophy, when it comes to leg days... MY DOMS is so dayum bad lately, only for legs though, like a week or more of intense soreness and I gotta go to work. I think I can answer this myself honestly unless someone has better advice... Should I go really light weight until .. idk, my muscles get a bit stronger or toned so that I can not be in pain for a week or two? (MY brain says yes mainly, but it also says no, just stop being a baby and work past it.) Would going light even prevent major doms? I'm eating a lot of protein and drinking a lot of water and getting adequate sleep.

Thanks in advance, hope I didn't break any sub rules.
@lithographica 99% of the time it's better in every way to follow a program proven to work. Even if you hadn't said you've made this plan yourself it would be obvious as there doesn't seem to be any logic to it. The bot comment on this post has a good link to follow to find a plan.

As for the DOMS, you won't be going too heavy at the moment I'm guessing so going lighter might not be the solution. Beginner programs will also be made with this in mind, but consistency is the way to combat DOMS. As soon as you're able to workout again, workout again. The DOMS will eventually stop sooner and sooner but only if you are consistent.
@dawn16 I'm mainly looking on how to make it make sense lol. Even tonight I'm realizing doing Rows the night after doing triceps is probably a bad idea. And as for thr DOMs I'm probably going heavier than I should for RDLs but yeah you right consistency is best.
I found this plan,

I think I'll try this instead, although if I do the full routine right now I'll die but it's something to work towards anyway.
@lithographica That plan looks OK, but only OK. It's just a push pull legs program but with a lot of volume and a couple of pointless movements.

Tricep kickbacks are shite, cross body hammer curls are pointless - just keep your arms at your side, 2 variations of calf raises is unnecessary, doing lunges, step ups and squats consecutively isn't beginner friendly. All you really need there is either the lunges or the squats. You can move the shoulder stuff to the first day and shrugs should be on a back day, not a shoulder day.