advice needed pls!

hi! ive been consistently working out for a few months now (4x per week) and i always feel sore after my workouts even tho i started stretching before working out. is it normal to feel this sore? or should i stop feeling sore at some point?
also i have another question. im trying to lose body fat and im considering doing high intensity classes once per month (e.g., barrys bootcamp) but ive heard diff opinions about HIT workouts. do they actually help me lose body fat?
@peacewithoutdomination Soreness in the muscle would be somewhat unusual after many sessions. Soreness in joints and tendons may be something you might want to focus on and try to work out the cause, it could be an indication of a building problem. Depends on the exercise. Soreness after serious stretching is common.

m trying to lose body fat and im considering doing high intensity classes once per month

Your body will have 2 main sources of outgoing energy. Your base metabolic rate, this is the energy you burn to keep your body functioning, including the steady turn over of tissue, the constant repair of your body.

And your daily energy expenditure, so this is the energy you burn getting up for the fridge, doing gym and walking to the shops etc.

Your base metabolic rate is mostly down to your weight.

You will be burning 1500 kcal a day just living but you can calculate your own level.

The rest of your energy expenditure is from daily things including exercise.

The other side is the energy you consume via food and drink. So a male might be eating 2600 calories a day, burning 1600 with BMR and another 900 by getting around for the day. So they will be in a calorie surplus of 100 kcal and so putting on weight very slowly.

To loose weight you either cut the input or up the output.

This will allow you to calculate how much energy you burn walking.

But note, burning maybe 500 calories once a week means the above person is still 200 calories in surplus by the end of the week. They would need to be burning 500 calories from walking 3 times a week to end the week with a 600 calorie deficit.

Broadly and simply (its complex) a surplus of 7000 calories will lead to 1kg of weight gain and a 7000 calorie deficit will be a 1kg weight loss (roughly 2 pounds in freedom units).

In truth you need to be exercising regularly to lose weight. Once a month will do nothing.

On the plus side though, high intensity work outs will massively help your heart and lungs, this will give you more stamina to work out with and thus you can burn more with your regular workouts.