Advice on 60-day window to develop ab regimen


New member
I recently was sent out of town for work on a 60-day project that requires I quarantine in an apartment when not on the job site. My story is probably like many of yours on here: a regular mid-late 30's gym-goer who does the at-home battles of job, kids, etc. I exercise 1hr/day, 5x weekly. So until late January, I'll be spouseless and kidless.

The punchline is my normally-hectic kid/job/gym lifestyle has offered me a small window of solitary to hone some exercise and dietary habits, and I am looking for recommendations as to how I can best use this time to develop the most stubborn 30-plus feature: abs

Current stats:

6'1, 185 lbs (185 cm, 84 kg)

B: 240 lbs (108 kg) 3RM

S: 255 lbs (115 kg) 3RM

D: 245 lbs (111 kg) 3RM

Available equipment (no gym):

Eleiko Oppen Deadlift Bar (55lb/25kg)

Three Kettlebells (18lb/8kg; 35lb/16kg; 62lb/28kg)

Two 45lb/20kg plates

Two 25lb/10kg plates

Jump rope

A typical day's meals:

Breakfast: English muffin w/ turkey sausage, 2 egg whites (18g protein)

Snack: 2 ea Quest protein bars (42g protein)

Lunch: 2/3 cup skyr, 1/3 cup blueberries, 1/3 cup granola (24g protein)

Snack: Protein shake (40g protein)

Dinner: 4oz tuna steak, 1/2 cup lima beans, 1/2 cup quinoa (41g protein)

Snack: P.M. casein (25g protein)

To be clear, I don't expect to walk away with a 6-pack in 60 days. I'd just like to get into some good habits that I can return home with that will eventually allow me to obtain some abs.

Please help? This has been a wonderful community for me, and I thank you for any advice. ANY at all.
@bassinhunter If you haven’t understood yet from the other comments - eat less.

Calculate your TDEE, including your exercise, then actually chart your caloric intake (don’t describe the food and the protein ... put it into a damn spreadsheet with all the caloric info - it’s available for literally every food via google), subtract 500 calories from your TDEE, and match your food intake to it.

The end.
@bassinhunter Eat less. I'm not even being facetious or anything. You sound like you're already in good shape, so by creating a calorie deficit, your abs will start to show. If you feel that your core is weak, then do some yoga.
@bassinhunter to see your abs you need to lower your body fat. Mine start appearing around 16% , and start popping around 13%

to do that you need a net calorie deficit

doing squats helps too, as they are good for your core
@bow2me I was doing this twice a week since March, got pretty decent at them. Recently switched to a kettlebell workout regimen but I may come back to this later.