Advice on glute/leg routine


New member
Sorry this is long!! I honestly don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to creating a workout plan for my goals, so I was wondering if anyone had any input for the glute routine I made! I feel like I’ve gotten so much contradictory advice and I’m not sure where to start. This is what I’ve put together and I would appreciate any input.

For some background - I’ve been working out for the past month but I’ve never stuck to a routine. My plan is lifting heavy with progressive overload, but I’m initially using lighter weights for excises I haven’t done as much to I can focus on form. I already have bigger legs so I’d really like to focus on glutes for my lower body days. Also I want a big fat dumpy :,)

Ok here it is:

Monday (glutes/hams)
- [ ] Hip thrusts 3x12 90lbs
- [ ] Kas glute bridge 3x12 67 lbs
- [ ] Split squats 3x12 8.8 lbs
- [ ] B stance RDL 3x15 8.8 lbs
- [ ] Kickbacks w/ resistance bands 3x15 40 lbs
- [ ] Hip abductors w/ resistance loop 3x2min (~30 reps w/ 4 sec hold)

Wednesday (glutes/quads)
- [ ] Hip thrusts 3x12 90 lbs
- [ ] Kas glute bridge 3x12 67 lbs
- [ ] Sumo squats 3x15 8.8 lbs
- [ ] Curtsy lunges 3x12 8.8 lbs
- [ ] Kickbacks w/ resistance bands 3x15 40lbs
- [ ] Lateral kickbacks w/ resistance bands 3x15 40 lbs

Friday (glute iso)
- [ ] Hip thrusts 4x12 90lbs
- [ ] Kas glute bridge 4x12 67 lbs
- [ ] Split squats 4x12 8.8 lbs
- [ ] Kickbacks w/ resistance bands 4x15 40lbs
- [ ] Lateral kickbacks w/ resistance bands 4x15 40 lbs

I am working upper body on Tues/Thurs/Sat with Sunday as an active rest day. I am eating about 130g protein (I’m 145lbs) and am in a calorie deficit for body recomposition (I heard its muscle is easy to gain for beginners so I think the deficit is okay at first… right??) I may bulk in the future but I would like to lose some fat first while also gaining muscle. I’m sorry this is a lot but I would appreciate any advice! I recently went through a bad breakup so I am excited to jump into this and get stronger! Thank you for helping me get closer to my goals. :)
@janyline So for a beginner this is probably a bit much. That is like 18 sets of glute focused work 3 times a week. That's probably too much for even advanced people. Either each set is not hard enough or you are going to burn yourself out after 2 weeks.

If you reduce number of exercises and make the ones you do a bit harder you may have more success. Imo. People who know more should feel to correct me.

Optimally you should have 15 to 20 hard sets of glutes per week. Hard means getting close to but not quite hitting technical failure.
Also this is based on the limited equipment I have at my apartment’s gym (dumbbells, barbells, bench, resistance bands/loops) so I’m trying to work with what I have :)

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