Advice on Stretch Marks?


New member
Hey everyone I’m here looking for advice on how to avoid stretch marks and tell you my story on how I got one. Now I know for most people they’re symbolic of how far you’ve come and I’m sure that’ll be me one day too. But for now I have my first one where my shoulder and bicep meet and it’s driving me nuts, especially when the point of gaining muscle at least for me is to look good as well. The way I bulk is I try to gain 0.5-1.0 pounds per week and bulk for 6-12 months give or take. Then I follow with a minicut where I’d go pretty aggressive only eating 1500 calories a day total for 2-3 weeks before getting back into bulking after a maintenance and slowly building my calories up again. The mark showed up after my most recent cut and I was wondering is it possible I got it cuz the cut was too aggressive? I don’t think it’s the bulking since I go pretty slow so I think it’s the cut and maybe I shouldn’t go as aggressive. What do you guys think? I’d love to hear your experiences and stories about it and what you think is best to avoid it🫡
@barbaraaltman Don’t even try to avoid them! Wear them as a sign of hardwork and growth 💪 Also OP, that is a pretty aggressive bulk my friend! I would be a little more cautious with that approach and be sure to stay closer to the .5 lbs per week.
@barbaraaltman Hey mate, I got a HUGE scar on my shoulder from reconstructive surgeries from snapping my humerus. So I have a little experience with treating the scar/stretch marks after the fact.

I used a product called bio oil which was very helpful in reducing the keloid effect on the scar. Just a topical ointment used daily on the affected area.

Can someone else help with how to avoid them?
@barbaraaltman Moisturize daily or at least a few times a week, stay hydrated, and use a collagen supplement (mixed evidence that this works, no downside though)

They tend to go away after a while for a lot of people.

Bottom line, don’t worry too much about it
@barbaraaltman Wow a question I can actually answer! The number one thing is WEAR SUNSCREEN! Keeping a stretch mark (or any type of developing scar) away from UV exposure is key. You can also use a prescription retinol or otc retinoid from the drugstore at night but again, make sure to wear sunscreen! If it is feasible, depending on the body location of the stretch mark, silicone scar sheets can also be helpful. Oils or “scar gels” like bioderma are no better than Vaseline.