

New member
Hello! I’ve never written on here but I need some advice about counting calories and weight loss. So I’ve been dieting for about a month and a half and I went from 189 to 168. But lately I’ve been having trouble mostly food wise and I feel like I’m eating too little but at the same time I don’t want to eat too much cause the calories add up quick. To put in perspective my daily intake is 1,910 but I only ever eat about 1,100 to 1,300 calories per day sometimes less. Now active wise I go to the gym about 4 times a week and always do cardio the same day and after the gym I’ll go and do boxing. I do boxing 6 times a week for about 1-2 hours depending on the day and classes we’re having that day. Lately I’ve been feeling a bit out of energy and feel like me eating the way I am is keeping me from training at 100% but I just can’t bring myself to eat more cause like I said calories add up. Forgot to also mention I don’t eat breakfast and just eat a snack before the gym. My first real meal is after the gym and then when I Caine back from boxing I’ll have my last meal. I guess why I’m trying to ask is if 1’910 calories is enough for someone as active as me or if I should even be worried about calories if I’m doing all this everyday for the most part?

Thank you guys in advance.
@nwajesus If you're losing weight rapidly, you're probably not eating enough calories. If you're losing weight slowly (1 pound per week) that's probably about right.

I'm not clear what your daily calorie intake is - 1900 or 1300? 1300 sounds like it's not enough, but maybe you're not accurately counting everything?