After a rough week, I probably got my best PR of my life!


New member
So after a rough week at work with long hours every day/night and dealing with migraines, my Director told me to take the rest of the day at noon today. I was exhausted. I had gotten my 3 workouts in this week but they had all been disappointing with just no energy in the tank. I got home and was contemplating whether to go into the garage and work out or just enjoy a beer with a nap. Well I chose to workout.

Once a month I pick a workout from the same day last year out of my log to see if I can top it. Today I said let's do that. I look back and it's Wittman (7 Rds: 15 KB Swings #53/15 Power Cleans #95/15 BoxJumps 24") of course it's not something easy or quick. Last year I did it in 29:13. I get everything all set up and turn on G'n'R (for all you young'ens that Guns n Roses) and off I go. I don't look at the clock once and just grind my way through. When I'm finished I look up and the clock reads 21:08!!

I've never been more happy finishing a workout then this one today! I usually will knock a minute or so off or get an extra round or two but never have I seen this drastic an improvement.
@logansc Yeah, I honestly didn't think I had it in me.. 24 DumbBell OH Lunges @50# 2 box jumps, 20DBL, 4 box jumps, 16DBL 6 box jumps, 12 DBL, 8 box jumps, 8 DBL 10 box jumps, 4DBL 12 jumps 25' cap.. i got 21:28.. not bad
@logansc I can't tell you how many times I've seen this happen with my athletes and myself. Having a shitty day or week just kind of resets your brain and its' expectations of you.

You are able to strip away all the baggage and just do work. Not thinking about work, or family, or life; your brain is sick of all that. It becomes about that moment, and you'll surprise yourself every time. Great job and a great lesson! Congrats.
@edm1 Yeah turning off my brain has always been one thing I'm good at when doing anything athletic, lol. It's actually one of the main reasons I force myself to workout on frustrating days because I at least get a break for as long as my workout lasts where everything else in the world doesn't exist.
@logansc Such a great Workout! Good for you.

Just for reference, this was on .com in 2011, and Jason Khalipa completed it in 11:57! What a machine.

That’s 1:42 per round, just over 2 seconds per rep. Incredible.
@logansc Curious what GnR album? I work out to regeton but lately been looking for something different was doing Queen for a little bit too. I had GnR Use your illusion 1 and 2 on tape. Will probably get them on iTunes now that you mention them.
@paulsfaith I have a playlist of all my favorite songs by them that spans pretty much all their albums except Spaghetti Incident. I hate that album. I listened to 2 songs and then promptly threw it away.