All the Taint

@integra My biggest thought is always: do steroids work?!?!

Because, apparently, these people are just ingesting anabolics left and right without noticing. You want me to believe you gained 40 pounds on your squat in 2 months and didn't wonder what was going on? You added 20 pounds of muscle and didn't question ANYTHING?
@russg yeah i mean honestly i sleep 9 hours every night and eat only whole, natural, unprocessed foods

last night, i ate 5 peanut butter cups while staying up until 1am
@russg the coffee. at some point, it has the opposite effect for me. i have a 40min or so commute to work in the morning so i'll just try to down it then and by the time i get to work i have to.... ummm.. go. if i drink coffee in the afternoon, i couldn't "go" if my life depended on it.
@integra "The only thing that makes any sense is that there was a contaminated substance that I was taking. This unfortunately is happening more often than not to other professional athletes, MMA fighters, Olympians, where these companies are spiking their natural products to sell more and have more effects." - Shawn Ramirez

If he knew this was happening to other people, why take all the supplements. It would be great if they would list the supplements and brands they were taking.
@roidecoeur78 That's actually a great point. It's like he's inadvertently incriminating himself right there.

He claims to know this stuff happens and yet took that risk all the same. He had the excuse all ready to go in his back pocket.