Am I just lazy or do I geniunely need to see a doctor?


New member
I’m 5’4, 125 pounds (estimation) and I’ve struggled with exercise and being athletic my entire life. I could never run, I’m more of the stay inside and read a book type than go outside, run around and play. Today in P.E, we had to do the Fitness Gram Pacer Test, but we stopped once we did 15 laps. At about 6 or 7 laps in I was already tired, then I felt so weak, even by the next class my chest was still hurting and I was breathing heavily even though it was about 20 minutes after I did that test. I was born with a backwards heart basically, and had to have an arterial switch, I wasn’t supposed to walk, talk, or do many things most children can do. But I’m still alive. I feel as if I’m just using this as an excuse and I feel guilty that I geniunely get so exhausted from minimal work. God, even walking up the stairs makes me feel tired and makes my legs hurt. I just wish I could be a normal person who was somewhat athletic, and I need advice on what to do (If I should go to a doctor about this or try to start getting back in shape. sorry if this was hard to read I am young)
@dan87 Given your condition, I find it very strange and irresponsible that your school and parents would allow you to join P.E. class without the green light from your doctor. You absolutely need to see a doctor to confirm if you can engage in strenuous physical activity.
@alfredha Yeah I feel bad if I don’t participate though, I don’t wanna be like this forever and I wanna be in shape but damn just doing 3 minute interval training makes me feel like I’m going to pass out and everyone else is fine after 5 minutes😭
@dan87 but you're not "everyone else" i don't think that should be your focus. if you're going to compare yourself then compare yourself with yourself rather than others. that's where it all begins, mindset.
@dan87 My mother has a heart condition. She can barely walk up two flights of stairs. She started exercising with direction from her doctor. Start slow and move up. My mothers situation is a bit unique, she actually can’t increase her heart strength much because it can make her complication worse. You gotta find out what you can and can’t do, and how to do it safely.
@dan87 With your heart condition and surgical history you should absolutely see a doctor before you begin any kind of physical training plan. Ideally a cardiologist can safely put you through a cardiac stress test (ideally a stress echo or maybe nuclear stress test) and you can discuss your options for improving your fitness safely based off of your personal challenges.

Some people have achieved and maintained a very high degree of fitness with fairly extreme cardiac conditions, this bodybuilder continued to post excellent lifts with an LVAD, and no pulse. So don't get discouraged, but only an expert with the right tools can assess your condition accurately.
@dan87 I’m finding this hard to believe. You’ve had a major procedure done on your heart, but your parents didn’t get you excused from PE class - and the PE teacher is fine with making a student with a heart condition run 15 laps.

If this is real - no, you’re not lazy. You literally have a problem with your heart and should go to the doctor before deciding to consistently do ANYTHING physical
@anouar yeah, but I go to the heart doctor every year and they say everything is perfect so I feel guilty and as if I can’t use that as an excuse
God, even walking up the stairs makes me feel tired and makes my legs hurt. I just wish I could be a normal person who was somewhat athletic

LoL, 'normal' people are not athletic, Plenty that pretend to not sweat or be in shape but they are already out of breath just walking on a flat surface because of all the extra luggage they have to carry around especially with their 'normal' diets that dont really give great fuel.
@dan87 If your PE teacher is not supportive, stop by your principal's office and make sure they are aware. You can ask for support in working to modify PE for your unique needs. Physical education is not a "one size fits all" situation and I would think that your educational leadership could support a customized physical education plan for you.
@dan87 I hated the pacer in school. It always gave me anxiety each time I was to do a lap because I wanted to make it in time or else I was out. The anxiety made me even more out of breath which made me perform much worse than I could
@dan87 I mean if this condition is true, then why not just ask your doctor about it at your next appointment? I’m surprised they didn’t already tell you what exercises you can/can’t do and what intensity you should avoid. Whatever your heart condition is just look it up and see about it. Ask your parents.