Another Dry Fighting Weight (DFW) review/results with 2x32kg

@pageturner The second to last day you do three sets of three, so 3 CP, rest, 3 FS, rest repeated three times. I think it’s lower volume to accommodate for the max day on the next training day.
@michaeldt Having more strength/stability in my core (super subjective, I know) made my back feel better and my shoulder also felt better and better over the course of the program, which helped me train more and harder.

The most obvious thing I noticed most was how easy it was for me to stay low on my feet, like when trying to pass guard on a sitting opponent and wrestling.

I’ve also noticed that (subjectively, again) I feel less beat up after hard rolling and that I tend to outlast my training partners’ endurance.

Also, it’s definitely not so much volume that I felt gassed or sluggish on the mats.

So no downsides, IME, just upsides.
@michaeldt Well I’ve always felt stronger than my training partners because I’ve always been 220-230lbs and have lifted consistently for over fifteen years. I’m not trying to brag; I just have more strength practice and size than most of my partners.

BJJ’s strength needs aren’t as high as other sports, and in that context I feel like I’ve been better able to produce the right amount of force over and over with DFW. I don’t know if I’m stronger, have better work capacity, or got better at tensing my core correctly to provide a better base for my movements.
@nhope I started this yesterday. I couldn't count how many I did, and I ran out of steam at 23 minutes. Props to anyone who can do that with 16kg's or heavier.
@sjp51 If you check out the HR graph I just added, I let my HR get down relatively low (110 usually) before hitting another set. Without an HR monitor, the 'talk test' - i.e. can you talk normally - is a good way to auto-regulate so that you don't run out of steam. Also, don't forget to rest between C&P and FS.
@sjp51 More than that, IMO. My approach (for the most part) was:

C&P - rest until I can nose breathe and talk normally - Front Squats - rest until I can nose breathe and talk normally

I rested at least one minute between bigger sets. Remember it’s not a metcon; every rep should be snappy.