Any advice on my workout routine?


New member
Any advice you guys can give me to improve my program? Maybe switch a few things around or replace some exercise?

I only have home gym equipment so I do not own any cable machines but I do own a squat/Pullup rack and a bench with barbelld and dumbbells I can customize with as much weight as I want to!

I want a mix of hypertrophy and strength so I mostly went with 5x5!

Is deadlifting 2x per week too much?

Also I wanne get to the point where I'm able to do Pullups without bands! :)

im 6'3 feet tall and weigh 210 lbs/95Kg

Been lifting for a few years on and off now wanne get more serious and regularly train!

My routine:

Day A)

Band-Assisted Pullups 3x5

Pendlay Rows 3x5

Bench Press 5x5

Squat 5x5

Preacher Curl 5x5

Wrist Roller 5x5

Day B)

Overhead Press 5x5

Deadlift 3x5

Lat Raises 5x10

Weighted Crunches 5x10​

One rest day between workouts: 2.5x per week

A B @ A B @ A

B @ A B @ A B
@jmike123 If you’re going heavy and close enough to failure to get the most out of each set then these workouts are gonna take hours.

If you haven’t already have a look through Boostcamp or through lift vault for some really good programmes with excellent reviews.
@jmike123 Hypertrophy and strength are pretty much intertwined. The latest literature shows muscle growth results from progressive overload while working in the 5-8 rep range and close to failure.
@jmike123 I mean, it’s not really “my” opinion. It’s just what the most recent literature on muscular Hypertrophy shows. Working in the 5-8 rep range while taking exercises close to failure increase muscular Hypertrophy more than other rep ranges.