Workout Routine Advice

@maggiehanley Just start with either SL5x5 or Greyskull, just give it a try you'll make progress no matter what. I switched to 448 after 2 months. If you have the time and have no trouble with recovery you could do squats, deadlift and barbell row each workout (can you do both heavy deadlift and heavy squats each workout that's fine). Or as squats and deadlift are quiet challenging with heavy weight only add barbell row each workout if you want and have the time. Just alternate the rep ranges like OHP and BP. Adjust the program to your needs, don't be limited by a certain program. Have more time? Add an extra set. Do chinups every workout or even add barbell curls. You prefer short workouts and can go 6 days a week? You could split the program. Do only BP and OHP monday. Squat, deadlift and barbell row tuesday. Add ab training each workout (I do them almost everyday), here's the one I use from athlean-x, it's challenging.

When you deload remember to do more volume with the lower weight which means a few more reps and/or sets and less recovery time. This principle is lacking in each beginner program to keep it simple. I know it's a lot of information but by doing a bit of research you don't have to follow a program blindly but can easily adjust it to personal preference and time schedule.