Apartment Workout Critique


New member
Hello everyone,

I've been trying to come up with a full body workout I can do 3 days a week, MWF, and I was hoping to get some insight and critique on what I've come up with. The goal is to get lean and tone up, I don't necessarily want to gain any more weight. Im 6 ft 0 and between 160-170lbs last time I checked.

My main goal is to keep my body moving so I decided to create a circuit. I get bored with workouts really easily so I was hoping this would help with that. Right now I plan to do two rounds of the circuit, 30 seconds for each exercise and increase weight for the exercises as I go. I only have access to my apartments small gym which has dumbbells, smith machine, a cable machine, and treadmills. There's only one bench and no olympic bars.

Here's the routine:

Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Punches

Inverse Rows - Biceps

Standing Chest Press

Inverted Row w/ Biceps

Lumberjack Swing

Leg Raises

Dumbbell Deadlift

Dumbbell Swing

Sprint X 3 for 30 seconds each

Like I said, any insight or critiques would be helpful. Im open to any ideas.

I also know nutrition is a big part of it, but I feel like I have that side of things down, at least for now.

Thanks for the help!