Are my workouts effective?


New member
I train 4-5 times a week. I usually do 5 exercises for 3-4 sets and 10-15 reps each. For example on legs:
4 x 15 jump squats
3 x 15 glute bridge
3 x 15 single leg calf raises (15 reps per side)
3 x 1 min wall sit
3 x 15 donkey kick (15 reps per leg)

Is this a good plan or am i undertraining? Ive seen progress in strength and abilities - for example i can hold an L sit, a handstand for ab 5 secs and can do 1-2 pullups with perfect form after about 5 months of calisthenics
However im trying to recomp and build lean muscle, and i feel like i havent seen any changes in my body?
Not sure if this affects anything but i practice volleyball 1-2 times a week and do track once a week aswell

Advice? How can I improve my sessions?
@khaldrogo There are strength training routines on the sub info. A bunch of light movement doesn't prompt hypertrophy as well as heavy movements. And if you can do the same thing every day, it probably means you don't need to grow any to deal with that amount of stress.
@esperanza20 What would you consider heavy movement then? I know it doesnt seem like much but i dont have any equipment sadly. Also how would i know when to progress/add difficulty anyway? I dont want to lose proper form yk?
@esperanza20 I didnt really follow a specific routine, because i feel like they demotivate me even more. I watched a bunch of different ones and read a bit on them then I just made my own with chatgot lmao
@khaldrogo Yes, no routine is better or worse for female or male. The only difference is women tend to build muscle slower so should add weight /resistance slower.