As a teenager is this an effective routine to gain muscle?


New member
Skinny 16 Year Old Here. Here is my routine.

My goal is 3 rounds for each routine, and once I can do that, I will up the weight. I am starting with 5 pounds. (I workout at my home, and own a dumbbell set from 5-30 pounds).

Monday + Thursday: Upper Body

Bent Over Dumbbell Flys x 12
Drag Curls x 10
Bent Over Rows x 15
Standing Upper Chest Flys x 10
Clean and Press x 12
Shrug Holds x 15
Overhead Press x 15
Tricep Kickbacks x 10
3-Second Negative Push-ups x 10

My goal is 3 rounds for and once I can do that, I will up the weight.

I am starting with 5 pounds. (I workout at my home, and own a dumbbell set from 5-30 pounds). Same thing for other days as well.

Tuesday + Friday: Leg Day

Goblet Squats x 20
Dumbbell Deadlifts x 15
Squat Holds x 30 seconds
Reverse Lunges x 20
Dumbbell Swings x 15
Dumbbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts x 12
Hip Thrust x 15

Wednesday: Ab Workout

Saturday and Sunday: Recovery

I know this is a ton to read but any help is very much appreciated. Each workout usually is around 20 minutes. I’m worried I’m not doing enough when I see other peoples workouts.

Credit to Barbarian Body on YouTube for my workouts.

P.S. Yes I know eating is extremely important.
@liltinyrocks When I was starting I would do low weight with high reps. The key is time under tension (how long weight is held on a particular muscle) ie. dumbbell curls 4 sets of 10-12 reps then move on to another muscle group. I saw pretty great growth and increase in strength over time. Try to work out the same muscle group more than once in a week. This will increase protein synthesis and allow for better muscles growth therefore more results. When it comes to eating, try to take in around 1 gram protein/ 1 lbs body weight. The biggest problem I’ve seen with skinnier people building muscle is what they put into their bodies. Good luck!