Awesome spreadsheet to find new exercises or find out what you should now progress to

@chris379 I’m super interested in using this as it’s what I’ve been looking for, but I’m at a loss for how to actually utilize it. I understand the color codes and abbreviations of exercises, but is there some sort of flow intended? I can’t follow the logic behind the physical layout. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
@dinowish I think it's overwhelming at first glance, and then pretty easy to work out.

Each of the tracks (I think of them as subway lines) goes from top to bottom, getting harder. In general, it's unlikely that you'd be able to do an exercise without doing the earlier exercises along the track. The main purpose of this is simply to work out what the next exercise you should do once you've already mastered one.

So, for me, I copied the file (File -> Make a copy). I then started coloring in each track as far as I knew I already could do. See part of my chart here:
(Note, just select a section of track, and click the background color button, and you'll see you can color it the darker version of the custom color).

So on the first track I started coloring, which is part of the Front Horizontal Pull series, I can do Vertical Rows, Incline Rows, and Rows, so my next "stop" along the track is the Wide Row. Once I master that (which I'm taking to be 3x8 good form), I will try for the Archer Rows.

The different tracks split and join up because sometimes mastering an exercise opens up multiple new routes (e.g. from a Full Squat you can go onto to a Split Squat or a Cossack Squat or both), and sometimes an exercise will have multiple prerequisites (e.g. the Wall Headstand Pushup requires both a Handstand and a Decline Pike Pushup).

As for which tracks to do, I think ideally you'd be doing all of them. Of course some of them might not be part of your goals, e.g. handstands, so in that case, don't. This just helps you pick the next exercise from one you already know how to do.

(Pinging /@jessicabourne124 as well.)
@lilbrenda Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with me. I really appreciate it, as I’m sure @jessicabourne124 does too.

My big hangup, I suppose, moving forward is the ability to modify the document. For some reason when I open it, I don’t have access to the headings and tabs at the top of the page like I normally would when looking at a Google doc. You’ve offered up so much info that I don’t wanna burden you any further, but do you know how to actually be able to copy the document? I don’t seem to have the file option that you mentioned.
@jessicabourne124 Yeah. I saw the 3X8 reference “with good form”.

So do you follow it L—>R across a row? So row 8 means I’m hoping for 3X8 of German hang, then vertical row, scapular pull, sup hold, yada yada yada. And that’s one day’s exercise...?
@dinowish L to R would be one way to do it. I’ve been hitting different parts of each column. Maybe I do back one day and next I front. If I progress under one column doesn’t mean I progress under all of them. I think it would be start under each one where you think you are now
@jessicabourne124 Wow. Ok. So we’re attempting to work our way down each column, independent of where I may be in any other column. So in theory I could be doing German hangs for back horizontal pull, but iron cross for front horizontal pull and could be doing elevated friction pistol squats for legs. Ok. Thanks for the help.