Baby's first deadlift and progress pics. 10 kilos down, same DL weight, but I feel a lot better!

@nytro44 Hey what you're doing isn't small potatoes. It's big potatoes. You've changed your lifestyle and your body. That's a huge deal and you deserve to be proud. High five ✋
@dawn16 ✋ thank you! It really doesn’t feel like a lot until I look at pictures or try on a dress that didn’t used to fit well. I think before I always tried to change too much at once, but this time I sort of eased into it until it became a new way of life.
@crazycrew Yay, go you! Maybe we should start a chat group for... whatever you'd call this body type. Apple shaped? I always go with apple shaped. Every single extra pound I put on goes right to my waist. Oh well.

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