Baby's first deadlift and progress pics. 10 kilos down, same DL weight, but I feel a lot better!

@nytro44 Hey what you're doing isn't small potatoes. It's big potatoes. You've changed your lifestyle and your body. That's a huge deal and you deserve to be proud. High five ✋
@dawn16 ✋ thank you! It really doesn’t feel like a lot until I look at pictures or try on a dress that didn’t used to fit well. I think before I always tried to change too much at once, but this time I sort of eased into it until it became a new way of life.
@nytro44 OMG are you me? You could be my body double, just that you're a lot taller (like 10cm).

Great progress, love, what you're doing is clearly the right thing.
@dawn16 Oh hey there's more than one of me out there? Hey, sister! I've learned to love this body over the years. Thank you so much for the support :)
@crazycrew Yay, go you! Maybe we should start a chat group for... whatever you'd call this body type. Apple shaped? I always go with apple shaped. Every single extra pound I put on goes right to my waist. Oh well.
@nytro44 You look great- your legs look really strong! I bet you will love deadlifting. There’s nothing like the feeling of pulling the equivalent of an entire adult human body off the floor! It makes you feel like you could survive a zombie apocalypse. Keep up the good work!
@exposetheevilthroughjesus Yeees! That's exactly what I want! I'm really excited because I've never felt drawn to a sport in my life, but lifting just has this appeal to me, I feel like I can be good at it. You've just made me more excited, thank you! As for the legs, I used to dance a lot when I was younger, so I think they've retained some kind of ballet/jazz muscle memory.
@nytro44 Girl you're looking strong! And hey, the main thing is that you say you're feeling better, and that's way more important than numbers on the barbell!
@mms Thank you!! I feel strong. It's nice because I've always been kind of "broader" so to speak, so I made my peace with the fact that I'm never really going to be petite, but I can sure as hell be strong!