Back recovery on PPLxArnold


New member
How do you manage it without taking a rest day between Legs and Chest/Back day? I RDL/SLDL on Leg day. On pull day I train up to 0 RiR/Failure on concentric. I can't take a rest day in between since my Saturdays are never open and I like to lift 6x per week.

Should I just yolo it since I do want a dedicated arm day since my weak points specifically are the Long head Triceps and Lower lats.
@tzaranblue I still don't really see any problems. Why would your back training have such a negative impact on RDLs? Or the other way around, doesn't ,make a difference. The hamstrings should be the limiting factor on an RDL anyway. If you really run into issues you could try switch up the order of your training days. So instead of PPL you might want to start with a Leg day, then pull, then Push. Then legs - chest/back - shoulders/arms.
@533th3r Idk really except every time I do RDL/SLDL I feel upper traps and sometimes they're like a little bit sore on the next day. (bent row on pull then DL variation on leg day)
@tzaranblue Your traps can take it. Traps, calves, forearms and abs can take very high frequency training.

Being sore doesn't mean your muscle isn't recovered. And your muscles don't have to recover 100% anyway.
Being sore doesn't mean your muscle isn't recovered. And your muscles don't have to recover 100% anyway.

You know this is the first time I'm reading this but it makes sense. It makes deloads much more sense other than just doing it because of accumulated fatigue. It eases my mind that I don't have to recover a 100%
@arab545 Agree fully, actually this morning I went to do some RDLs and I was feeling a lot of fatigue/soreness in both shoulders (from torso session yesterday) and legs (from 2 days ago) but this is what my week's schedule called for.

I was expecting a mediocre to bad RDL session, with either bad form or a decline in progression. And nevertheless I was able to keep progressing in reps as normal.

Warmup fine, maybe make an extra point to motivate yourself to the session even if you're not fully feeling it, and you'll be fine. And if eventually you're not, just deload and keep going after.
@tzaranblue I do upper/lower. Which means hitting back the day before I do SLDLs (I also do glute biased back extensions on lower, which does still work erector spinae and also hamstrings). I haven't run into issues. But the back movements I do don't work erector spinae much (neutral Grip pull-ups, lat pulldowns and Chest supported db row/Seated Cable row). I'm guessing you do Bent-Over-Row.