Becoming more exhausted the higher my maxes go


New member
Anyone else experience this? My recovery time isn't necessarily impacted. but with squat especially and deadlift to an extent I am just tired for most the day after a heavy session. After heavy squats I feel like a zombie moving around the gym after lol. I keep it to an rpe 7-8 except for the last set. My squat working set ends with 405-425 x5-6 and conv deadlift around 455-475 x 5
@rosesz I mean from what I've heard strength is relative right? So as you get stronger your max effort should be the same as your weaker self? But I am not noticing this and am getting more fatigued.
@dex54val No. Heavier weights take more out of you even if you're stronger. This is normal.

Worth doing more cardio/conditioning work as well.
@dex54val To a certain extent, yes, but there's also an absolute amount. The powerlifters who pull 800-1000 pounds only do it once every two weeks. Their body just can't recover from that amount of load: muscles, tendons, bones, spine. Even though they're on special supplements, lol.

It's OK though. You can try dropping the weight and increasing reps. See if 315x20 keeps you more energized than 405x5. You'll gain the same amount of muscle with anything between 5 reps and 30 reps, as long as you get close to failure, buy maybe lighter absolute weight doesn't crush you.
@dex54val If you are getting more tired that means lactic acid is accumulating in your muscles more, or you are running out of energy.
You didn't have this issue before because your body cod tough it out.
I had the same issue, some days I could not even finish sets.. 10-10-10 reps turned into 10-7-4.
You should eat more energy giving food close to workout. like honey, banana..
Sleep is very important.
Also, If you are okay with taking supplements, I would suggest taking a preworkout (start with half dose for the first month). It temporarly makes your blood veins bigger to pump out lactic acid, also breaks lactic acid down.
@dex54val That's how it is, it's also part of the reason why you see a lot of advanced lifters throwing in chains/pads/bands/pausing or doing explosive work to target weak parts of their lifts while not fully taxing their cns.
@dawn16 Yeah I know that's the case for people who powerlift competitively, but my numbers are nowhere near theirs for similar bodyweight.. didn't thing it would start happening already. I'll have to start throwing in some stuff like that.
@dex54val This is normal as the weight goes up. Now you have to bring up or dynamic speed work and also work on lifting cardio. The more you do it, it will get easier.

Also eat and sleep more