Been going to the gym for 2 years, did I waste my time?


New member
For context, I (16M) have been going to the gym for 2 years (since 14), I messed up a lot, took couple of ling breaks for travel, surgery and stuff (surgery was only two weeks). So on average, I’ve went to the gym for 10 months (including rest days) and excluding long breaks each year. That is in addition to bad diet and program hopping.

For the travel break, I usually visit another country for a month or two every year for a personal reason. But there, I have a set of two 10kg dumbbells (which became light now), a bench and a pull-up bar. Which I do a simple full body workout on to stay active there.

Here are my progress photos from start till yesterday. (Can’t show under belly button)

Went from around 110lbs (50kg), 5’6 (168cm) at 14 to 176lbs (80kg), 5’9 (175cm) at 16.

I go to the gym for 4 days a week in addition to two days of basketball training which is almost the only decent cardio I do.

So I’m wondering if I messed up and gained a lot of fat and little muscle for that period of time (didn’t go on a deficit intentionally for cutting, mostly focused on a surplus for the past year).

For my diet, it’s on the bad side, I usually try not to get lower than 0.7g of protein per pound of bodyweight, I usually achieve this goal. I also drink lots of milk, have a weekly outside meal when we aren’t cooking at home, we make food with relatively decent amount of protein for lunch and I usually make my own dinner and try to get the most protein from it in addition to it being relatively healthy.

Or is that normal progress and there’s nothing wrong. Lastly, I’d like to hear some tips and suggestions for what should I do next for this year.

Thanks in advance!

**This is a bit of a repost but with more details.
@blueskies88 I mean you said it yourself, you really only have been training for 10 months. You definitely look like you gain fat but there is muscle under there. My biggest recommendation would be to follow an actual program. That way you can consistently track strength gains and chart improvement
@eyore 10 months each year, sorry, may have written that unclearly.

And yes, I’ve done 12 weeks of GZCLP but switched to a normal hypertrophy-focus program I found.
@mountainmike Just to add a bit more to this - just be patient. Your age is a defining factor - you’re still developing.

Keep going strong, eat a relatively sensible diet, and enjoy your workouts! It’ll be worth it. 💪🏼
@blueskies88 That's normal progress for your investment, so yes it's bad compared to what you could have done, but thats it. It's not bad in itself, you still have lot of years ahead to be really involved if you want/can
@blueskies88 You’ve put on considerable muscle and, as is to be expected when gaining or losing muscle, some fat came along with it.

If you do a cut a cycle you’re going to look a shitload better than you did when you started.
@blueskies88 Cutting is just the lifting community’s word for dieting and exercising honestly.

You seem like you have a mildly high about of fat you’re carrying. That’s bad at any age. Believe me I think if you tighten the belt a little over the next few months (literally and figuratively lol) and keep lifting and doing some cardio, I think you’re going to be super happy with the way you look. You’ve come a lot farther than you realize, you just put on a little fat while making it this far and it’s easy for that to mask the result. Those of us who’ve been down the road you’ve been down see what’s going on, respect man, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.
@blueskies88 It appears your weight has increased proportionally with your body. Your body is still growing, so you may not see a lot of progress. But it is there. The big thing is your diet. To lose fat, you will need to be in a caloric deficit. It's difficult, but you need to eat better and healthier. Drink more water, fewer sodas. Watch your sodium intake. You will need to do more cardio: bike, run, walk, swim. Mix it up so it doesn't get boring.

I had the same issues when I was your age. I worked out at the school gym 3 days a week and didn't see a lot of improvement in my upper body. But I could squat 300 lbs. I rode a bike to school ( and everywhere) so that was mostly my cardio (I had asthma then, too).

Good luck, and remember you aren't alone.
@blueskies88 You look absolutely fine to me. Also, remember to not hate a little bit of fat. Remember what most strongmen look like. They can lift a car! Compare that to most body builders who, in order to get that absolutely cut look, are on the verge of passing out due to dehydration, and they have no stamina.

I'd say ask yourself this, which do you want more, the looks, or to actually be able to use your strength? And remember, muscle is denser (weighs more) then fat for a given area.
@blueskies88 It’s great you’re building this habit! I wish I had when I was your age, because you are so young to be worrying about these things. Exercise is great! It’s never a waste, unless you’re missing out on things by being at the gym. Remember that you don’t have to lift weights to be active, and you are not just allowed, but encouraged to be a kid.

PLEASE do not post pictures of yourself online until you’re an adult. There are a lot of creepy people out there.
@2piusx Many people here are telling me to cut, but I’ve read (on reddit) that cutting at this age is not the best idea, but IDK how credible is the info here.