Beginner Need Help With Tracking Workouts/Progression


New member
@mjr3859 You input weight and amount of reps per set or am I misunderstanding something?

Though as a beginner going 6 days a week is a mistake imo, 2-3 workouts a week is recommended
@godly_wife Well, where I think you put in reps I don't think makes sense because It says how many sets and reps to do already. That's why I was confused. Also, I thought as a beginner 6 is ok and as you get further into lifting you should tone it back because you can't recover as fast as when you started. Is that right?
@mjr3859 each set you pick a weight you THINK will put you in the rep range.

give it an honest effort and see how many reps you get on each set. on the margins if your later sets you lose reps like 8,6,5,4 but you were supposed to be in the 6-8 range you could have probably used a lighter weight for the last sets but dont overthink it in the moment.

if your reps this week are like 13,12,10 next week try for 14,13,12 or something til you can go up in weight.

the program is also available on the boostcamp app for free btw i highly recommend
@mjr3859 The most common mistake almost every beginner makes is going all out too hard too fast and by week 3 you're burnt out and dont have time for anything that you liked previously as you have made a 180 u-turn from doing other stuff to only working out. That is why 2-3 workouts a week is recommended as thats more sustainable and you still have time to do other things during a week.