Beginner trying to find my first workout routine


New member
6ft - 50kg
I’m going to start soon just need to find the perfect routine for me. I want to train around 4 times a week from home. I have some dumbbells a push up bar and want to invest in a pull up bar aswell. Ideally want to do full body workouts using the things I mentioned but if anyone has better ideas or different methods of training that would be better I m open to them. Obviously I’m going to start eating a lot more once I’ve found the perfect routine and was also thinking about taking weight gainer( and creatine ( but not too sure about the creatine. Chose these two as they seem best value for money for what I am looking for. Ty for reading and any help’s appreciated
@zaikahlee Mass gainers are one of the biggest scam of fitness industry and totally making the beginners fool by the marketing gimmicks.

Mass gainers supplements contains very less amount of Protein in comparison to a Whey Protein supplement.

In fact Mass Gainers are filled with simple carbohydrates ( sugar in the form of maltodextrine) which is really unhealthy.

It spikes the insulin very rapidly which can cause diabetes in long term and often leads to unnecessary fat gain.

Rather gaining muscle you will gain too much fat and would hold water in body which will make you fluffy and you will never get that Aesthetics that you're working for.

If you want to make a healthier version of mass gainer at home you can use whey protein with some form of carbohydrates like Fruits(Banana, Apple, Orange, Watermelon, Mangoes, etc.) and fruit juices that would work the same but in a healthy way.

So don't waste your money on these mass gainers use whey protein instead.

Hope it helps.
@glitcher Exactly the reply I was looking for ty, feel like this could save me alot of money as they ain’t cheap either lol. Do you have any suggestions on any good whey protein powders that would benefit me or are they all pretty much the same?
@zaikahlee Use ones have a lot of protein, and if it has 5 grams of creatine it most likely has around 5-7 grams less of protein than what is on the label