Beginners routine Q.. Lsit practice for 5 minutes but support hold for only 1-2?


New member
In the skill practice stage of the beginners routine it says to practice Lsits for 5 minutes and support holds for only 1-2. Is this backward? I havent started the Lsits yet because i can only hold them a couple times for barely 10 seconds without being totally unable to go on.
Also sometimes i feel like my skill work detracts from my strength work afterwards.. how long of a rest should i be taking in between the two?

Lastly, Ive been doing beginners routine for almost 2 months now. When is it time to move on to a more personalized workout? Im assuming the correct answer is when i fully complete the final tiers of each progression.
Ps i could use some motivational resources to psyche me up as the same routine is getting kind of boring..
When is it time to move on to a more personalized workout? Im assuming the correct answer is when i fully complete the final tiers of each progression.


Ps i could use some motivational resources to psyche me up as the same routine is getting kind of boring..

Sure! Start incorporating more skill work into your routine. It's FUN!!! This is the gymnasticswod library search with the "skill" category filter applied to it:[]=82&sort_by=title&sort_order=ASC&items_per_page=10
@arganout If you need an inspirational video, this is it. I know it's from /r/parkour, but it works for anything. I listen to this video at the beginning of each of my workouts. You should try it. Hope it helps.