Biceps growing trouble


New member
He6, I'm 18 y.o, 180cm and my biceps are around 43.7 cm. This has been my cut measure and I cannot grow it anymore, I'm now 43.8cm cause I'm bulking now, but it is a very minimal difference comparing to my 43.7cm cutting. Any suggestion?
@grasshopper66 Eat more. You want to grow, you eat.

More volume doesn't mean more gains in muscle building. Make sure your training plan is on point.

Lastly, hire a good bodybuilding coach.
@grasshopper66 No solution but o have the same issue. Worked out for over 30 years and my biceps have always lagged. I recently sorta got my wish to getting arms to almost 15 inches in 3 weeks after watching a YouTube video. By working. On my triceps a didn't way. Biceps didn't change. Now my biceps are relatively even smaller. 🤷
@grasshopper66 18 years old and upset about "only" 17.2 inch biceps?
Are you trolling?
Unless they're fatceps that's an excellent measurement! Keep eating and lifting, you're doing great!