Joe Rogan biceps w KB’s

@missingthemark Yeah, I wouldn't go this far.

As it happens, A mountain lion once chased me and I was able to curl a large rock that must have weighted something like 40KGs. I was planning on throwing it at the lion, but suddenly, seeing this, he just stood there in awe for a moment and then walked away.
@misterpriceless If you want to grow a specific muscle for atheistics look into bodybuilding approaches for that muscle group. With the biceps that's generally going to be some kind of curling variation. You might want to think about targeting triceps too as that also contributes to arm size. You can do curls with kettlebells but the weight jumps probably won't do you any favors.

If you don't care about atheistics I wouldn't worry about biceps. Compound exercises can hit the biceps, generally pulling exercises or something like cleans.
@misterpriceless Yeah well, don’t believe too much of what he says in any case, but for sure you can hit the biceps without dying dumbbell curls.

Cleans can hit the biceps. Rows do hit the biceps. Pull-ups hit the biceps. I haven’t done curls in years and have decent biceps (can curl a 20kg bell no problem for reps).

However it’s not comparable to bodybuilding development of biceps.
@misterpriceless I've found 32k 1 handed swings create some biceps soreness, but I don't think the movement would drive hypertrophy.

Seems that presses would be triceps dominant, and contribute to overall arm size but not biceps size.

My guess: if goal is to maximize biceps hypertrophy with a kettlebell, then do curls and rows. Add chin ups.

Here's a guy from caveman training doing all kinds of curls with a kb.
@misterpriceless Rogan's form with kettlebells is horrible and likely the cause of his shoulder injury. Even if you knew what exercises he did, you probably wouldn't want to follow his routine. He's a lifelong, high level athlete who has trained in many different ways and used a lot of drugs.
@misterpriceless Cleans and any pressing movement use biceps as stabilizer muscles.

I'm sure he does plenty of good old fashioned Pull ups as well as Rows with his bells. Besides that grappling is a very arm intensive workout. I don't do BJJ myself but wrestling and judo use lots of grip and biceps and I imagine BJJ does also. A lot might be genetic. Some guys don't need to do any isolation and get plenty of biceps stimulation some folks need it to keep things balanced.