Big Bar vs Fit! Home Gym vs power tower (BEGINNER)


New member
I’ve been looking for some home equipment to start my fitness journey. I live in an apartment on the second floor so I can’t do anything crazy. Dont see any way to get rings setup. Can’t use a bar in doorways (they are also way too narrow). I could probably hook something to a wall but I’m not too keen on doing that. Unless someone has a really good alternative I’m deciding between 3:
@newdiscoveries I think the benefit of the first two is they pack down to nothing and can slide in a closet or under the bed when you're done. If you don't need that, you're paying a premium for nothing.

I have the original BaseBar and I can have it assembled, done with my pulling exercises, and put away in the time it takes the Powertower to be assembled - 20 mins according to their numbers. But I live in a van and space is a premium. If I was still in an apartment or house, it's PowerTower all the way
@newdiscoveries first 2 are overpriced junk, 400e for a pullup bar with max capacity 300lbs...

get the power tower, I personally would get variation which also has neutral close grip bars for more shoulder friendly chinups
@newdiscoveries There are three basic grips. Overhand (also called pronated) like in a pull-up, underhand (supinated) like in a chin-up, and neutral (palms facing each other). They're suggesting getting a pull-up station that allows for neutral grips like this or this (not a recommendation, just picked a couple on Amazon).
@newdiscoveries As a beginner, I highly recommend a pair of rings with a door anchor. You can do a lot of exercises with that for under 50 bucks and by the time you are ready for advanced exercises you will probably have figured out where you can hang them.

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