Big guy wanting to get less big


New member
Hi all, as the title suggests, I’m a fairly hefty fella who is trying to get into shape.

I have done CrossFit on and off for quite a few years. Really, I want (and probably need…)to re-ignite his CrossFit spark not least because I am due to get married in 2024 (I’ve basically 8months to save myself from rolling up the aisle…!)

At my “fighting best”, I got down to 95kg (which for me was massive) but then hit the proverbial “f*%# it” button and everything blew up and I’m currently 40kg above that now. Some mental health struggles (but haven’t we all) and struggling to cope with work related stress but in reality I’ve probably only myself to blame for it as l let things get to me that I really shouldn’t have.

So my question is, how do you all keep your motivation levels high?

How do “big guys” set goals that are achievable and help push them to keep progressing?

How do you keep the fire burning to keep you going even when you don’t feel like you fancy it?

Is there any good books/podcasts/etc. you’d recommend?

All suggestions tips and help will be welcomed. Here’s hoping 2024 is the year it all finally falls into place!

EDIT: Thank you everyone who has responded, really, when I posted this I didn’t expect so many people to offer their words of wisdom! I have been reading them and will take time to respond but just wanted to say how appreciative I am!
@brian7377 Half of the time we don’t feel like going, but consistency is the biggest part. Schedule your workouts each week and show up to your workouts. Unless you get sick it is non negotiable.
@nwc Yeah, it’s getting into that head space. I’ve always had an all or nothing mentality, it’s just not in the “all” mentality where my life is set up around my training!
@brian7377 Maybe start with 2-3 times per week and some changes to the diet.

I've found that small incremental changes will add up over time vs trying to rip off and bandaid and change everything at once.

Also to note the comment above, I have to go workout in about an hour and don't really want to, but I'll go. I have nothing better to do at home, so why not go get sweaty with a bunch of other people!
@turk150 100% agree. Learning to not listen to your inner voice when you’re tired is a key skill. “Just show up” means letting go of those thoughts.

As for incremental changes, I started out writing down all my WODs in a little book. First challenge when I started out was to do 3 workouts a week. Then 4, then 5. Every increment of 10 workouts becomes a milestone, and so it continues. Every workout is a win.

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