Blood test advice


New member
I am going to take a blood test, I narrowed the list to these tests. What do you guys think? Which ones are redundant? What should I add? Should I stop taking supplements like creatine,p.powder, quercetin, maca root, biotin, vitamin D, zinc, ashwagandha, and boron?

220lbs 30yo natty male. Just want to see my overall bodily functions. Also I do smoke cigarettes like 1-2 every day. Used to smoke weed very frequently.


  1. Fasting Blood Sugar
  2. Blood Urea Nitrogen
  3. Creatinine
  4. Total Cholesterol
  5. Triglycerides
  6. Good Cholesterol
  7. Bad Cholesterol
  8. AST (SGOT)
  9. ALT (SGPT)
  10. Alkaline Phosphatase
  11. Creatine Kinase (CK)


  1. Complete Blood Count
  2. Hemoglobin
  3. White Blood Cell Count


  1. TSH
  2. T3
  3. T4
  4. Testosterone
  5. DHEA-SO4


  1. CRP

Additional Recommended Tests​

  1. Vitamin D
  2. Iron and Ferritin
  3. Electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Calcium)
@agapejohn Do APoB and lp(a) tests. lp(a) is genetic and you need to do it once. You can't change it for now, but it will let you know how aggresive to be with other risk factors. APoB is a much better predictor of cardiovascular health than cholesterol. "Good" and "Bad" cholesterol are not nearly as useful. APoB is directly correlated with CVD while LDL/HDL cholesterol is only corellated.

Fasting blood sugar is a lot less useful than HA1C. Do that instead. Do fasting insulin levels if you can swing it, if not don't sweat it.

I'd add magnesium test since you're already testing for micronutrients.

I don't know if there any additional tests recommended to smokers; research and see if you need to add anything there.
@bassplayer72 Because it destroys your kidneys!!! Just kidding, but tell your doctor you use that supplement. The creatinine test will show high as it cannot differentiate creatine enough. Without that knowledge, your doctor will be concerned about your kidneys.

Instead the other tests related to kidney function will show as normal and your doctor will discount the high creatinine level because you take creatine.

What I do every time. I never stop supplementing as at 55M there is a lot of benefit shown for brain function as well.