blood test results as a 25 year old male


New member

Fasting Blood Sugar (10 hours fast)
5.31 mmol/L


4.36 mmol/L

90.7 umol/L

Serum Uric Acid
517.5 umol/L

41 U/ L

I maintain a healthy diet, workout and run around 5-7km per week, yet still my uric acid is off the charts.

the labs cost me 2918 pesos including CBC, hopefully you guys get curious as well and get your labs done.

aside from adding life to our years, lets strive to add years in our lives ⌚
@anonymousbl I just went to the nearest hospital that has blood laboratory. Then I asked for the following tests: CBC, FBS, Creatinine, Cholesterol, SGPT, Uric Acid, and hba1c. I forgot to add testosterone though, and hba1c is the most expensive at 1.1k pesos.

these are the basic tests which I got from doc willie ong's videos. there are a lot more different blood tests you can play with
@mssonya84 I would not suggest getting a hba1c unless may other test ka, iirc di pa standardized hba1c testing sa bansa, so most endo dont use it as much, unless alam nila na okay yung lab na pagpapagawaan.

And yeah thats a pretty high na uric acid OP, do you have symptoms?