Body’s Reaction to Training


New member
So I’ve been trying to get properly back into my calisthenics training for a few months now but have ran into some problems.

One is I got sick, but that’s fine since one just waits till they’ve recovered and then they go back to training.

The one that’s been seriously causing me problems is that my body seems to not recover, even if I’m eating and resting well.

What essentially happens is I train a regular sessions, which will include:

4 sets of backlever
4 sets of front lever
4 sets of ring dips OR l-sit pull-ups
Then some handstand skill work

I have ran this style of workout, with push and pull days divided too, for a few years. However, since around May my body hasn’t been adapting well.

I’ll feel very tired and sore 2 days after the workout usually, and it cause some fog. More importantly, I will pee a lot. I don’t know why this started happening, but it’s prevented me from being consistent and I haven’t been able to sustain the training.

I tried to minimize some of it, but no matter what I do, it seems my body just always reacts poorly after a training session.

I think my cortisol levels are rising a lot during training, and it’s created this vicious cycle that I’m now on.

I don’t know what to do, I feel trapped from being able to get back on a consistent training schedule because my body is significantly impacted by a workout that it has been use to before this started happening.

Anyone have this experience or any idea why this happening and what I should do to help it. This isn’t medical advice, I’ve already seen a doctor and he said I’m fine.

Also, I do mostly get regular sleep, but this rise of cortisol (I think it’s a rise of cortisol anyway) has caused me poor sleep on those nights. I’ll wake up repeatedly through the night to pee, and my body doesn’t seem to rest well the day of training. I even get nightmares sometimes.
@aaharpervas Talk to a doctor. Frequent urination is an unusual sign. Could be nothing but that symptom in particular could be pointing to something other than over training. That's not meant to alarm you, just get checked out.
@hailsatan420 The thing is is it only occurs after training, I’ve taken two two week off periods and my peeing and health was normal

I also did speak with my doctor, and he said it’s fine and can happen when training.
@aaharpervas Try a deload, and perhaps lower you volume a bit or even cut back on the frequency of your workouts. Also agree with the other comments about seeing and doctor and getting blood work done.
@aaharpervas Is it definately cortisol or just a guess? Do you drink more than usual after or during your workouts?
But the symptoms you are talking about should be checked by a doc anyway.
How is your weight/height? Do you snork? Do you stop breathing for short periods during the night? How is your bloodpressure? Especially over the course of the day? Many questions to ask and another doc to see since yours doesnt take it seriously enough.
@aaharpervas Make sure you're eating enough and see a doctor and have them do blood work for anything off and whatever else they suggest.

You'll want to find anything they can identify as early as possible.
@aaharpervas Yeah definitely see a doc. I'd reccomend cutting down to 1-2 sets 2x a week or something for now. Seems like could be other things like overall stress, poor diet, lifestyle etc that could just be affecting your recovery. Know you mentioned seeing a doc but def go back if you have symptoms like peeing a lot..

Waking up at night to pee is normal and you can somewhat control it by controlling your water intake before bed but multiple times is definitely something you should see your doc about. Try to implement a sleep routine as well, sleep in a cool dark room, try to avoid screens, chill out and try to relax before bed..

I've suffered from insomnia and have been doing some Non sleep deep rest meditation (NSDR) before bed and it's been helping me to get better sleep. Won't help any underlying medical things but at worst, you'll just help feel more relaxed and get deeper sleep and potentially wake up less frequently for now, atleast
@john0733 Yeah I’m going to do 1 set per exercise for 1-2 weeks. I meant to do this before but the summer was busy and totally forgot about the advice I got from OG.

I think it’s physical stress from the working out, my life isn’t really stressful right now for he most part.

Diet I think may be playing a role. Sometimes I don’t eat enough after training, or not enough carbs at least. But I have been better lately.

Lifestyle may actually be causing it to some extent. I sit a lot for uni, and this last month and half was more so since I got the flu and was not doing much.

I think that severe jump to my regular training was too much for my body though. Gonna take it slow and build up again.

But I’m not peeing like I was for the last two days. I do think it’s physical stress on the body causing it, and perhaps a weakened pelvic floor compounding with that. It might also be the kidneys being affected by the physical load I’m jumping to before my body is strong enough to handle it.

I recognize it could be many things. I’m seeing the doctor in a week for something else (not serious) and will be getting a checkup of my overall health and will mention it to him.

I do recognize people’s concern, but I genuinely think it’s the level of strain my body is taking from exercising that is causing this. However, even if that may be the case, it may well to be something underlying that has caused my body to be much weaker and unable to adapt.

Either way, appreciate the comments, I’ll see with the doctor. I will say I’ve always had doubts and trust issues with him, so I’ll ensure everything is healthy for sure this time.