Body positive fitspiration?


New member
Related to a recent post by someone else, and inspired by my frustrations when shopping for workout gear: what are your favorite fitspiration sources where the people aren't super ripped with 0% body fat?

Bonus for snarky takedowns of unhealthy fitspo, such as this Buzzfeed list or this one.
@sam805 I personally just like following really strong, awesome women on instagram. It's encouraging to see them living normal lives and still killin' it in the gym. Some of my faves: chelsealifts, ginahalfwolf, megsquats, jazzypooo.
@sam805 I hated that I couldn't lift things. I hated how stiff my body felt. So I started yoga and weight lifting and what a difference. I continue this because in a year or so my husband and I are going to try having kids so I want to make sure I am a healthy vessel. Plus, I want my future children to grow up around healthy lifestyles.
@sam805 Honestly, the post last week asking for Instagrams of other r/xxfitness users has been really motivating for me. It's nice to see real women out there killing it who don't have an agenda to sell something. Some of them are ripped with no body fat (and that's amazing inspiration!) but a lot of them are like me. Just women trying to eat right and be healthy.
@sam805 I default to the 'Girls Gone Strong' crew - Molly Galbraith, Neghar Foononi (splg?), Jen Sinkler. They are obviously fit but not perfect, and open about it and give some great programs and workout tips.
@sam805 For me, it's friends & family. Like I have a friend who just started her fitness journey or whatever you wanna call it. She is doing so well and it's very inspiring to me. She isn't ripped or toned or looking like a fitness model, but she's made incredible progress and she does look beautiful.

Also my mom did a 5k, granted it was awhile ago, she has never been an active person so it was inspiration for me. She is on/off again trying to eat better and move more, but so am I.

I think connecting with other real people who are struggling and doing their best drives me to keep trying despite that I am failing time and time again.