Calorie Help and Strength Training Q


New member
Bit about me. I'm 149cm (4'11) and 39 y/o. At the end of September my SW was 100.3kg (221lb). My CW is 85.3kg (188lb) and my GW 60kg (13lb).
Since starting my journey I've been doing aerobic or HIIT workouts 6 days a week for 30-45 minutes. I'm also on my feet minimum 6 hours per day for work and do over 10k steps at the end of the day day.

I'm wanting to add strength training to my routine and change my weekly workouts to aerobic/HIIT 5 days, strength training 4 days (cardio in mornings and strength training at night) with pilates/stretching for the other 2 days.

Atm I'm averaging 1700-1850 calories per day and losing around 1kg(2.2lb) per week.
With adding on strength training should I be adding more calories?

Is it true that when I start adding weights I might not lose weight but will lose fat? Or because I have so much weight to lose still that I will continue to lose weight while gaining a bit of muscle?

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