Can bw leg day give me n is toned legs?


New member
I am 169cm, 57kg and have kinda fat thighs and calves but have a skinny fat upper body. I plan to alternate between 2 leh day workouts per week, doing a dunking leg day workout and this one shown below:

One-Leg/Pistol Squats: 4 sets x 10 reps
Bulgarian Splits: 4 sets x 15 reps
Jump Squats: 5 sets x 20 reps
Bodyweight Squats: 5 sets x 35 reps
Crouch Walk: 200 steps (reps)

I don’t have access to a gym right now. I tried doing back squats before and was able to do 15 reps of 30kg squats and only started to shake during the 3rd rep. Also I can deadlift 44kg now so I think I can squat about 50kg now.

You guys think that this workout can give me nice toned legs or should I add more stuff like running skipping etc?
@thestarside same as with every other muscle group, you need progressive overload. Doing same volume won't accomplish anything. At some point you will have to add external resistance tho', doing lower body with only your own bodyweight is very limited.
@thestarside if you are actually able to do sets of 10 pistols, then the rest of your workout isn't doing much anything for muscle development. E.g. in this case, if you want to do Bulgarian Split Squats then you need to load them- so go buy some heavy sand bags and hold one or two while doing it.

Another option is sprinting up hills. Highly recommended on Dan John podcast.
@thestarside Yea what s0ram said

But a few cool things you could also try since you have limited equipment now:

- Cyclist squats (Place something underneath your heels that will elevate them a bit and stay nice and upright, this will blast your quads and you can get very far with a very low ressistance when doing these)

- Spanish squats (Stay nice an upright and focus on pressing the heels towards the ground on the way up, same thing here, you dont need much weight at all to feel your quads burning when doing these, also very knee friednly)

- Frog squats for some metabolic stress

- Step-Ups for glutes

- Single Leg Glute Bridges

- Single Leg Hip Thrusts

- Banded Hip Thrusts

Hope that was of some help, best of luck in your training!