Can I maintain my breast size?


New member
I'm a girl and I want to start working out but I'm afraid of my cup size becoming smaller, though I know it'll happen regardless. If it helps, I'm a B-Cup, and I know hitting chest will increase pec size, but would I be able to return to B-Cups? I'm not sure if it's weird to talk about, but I'm still underage, so I know they'll grow as I get older, but I'd still like to return to this size while I work out rn. Is there any way to go back to my B-Cups while hittting chest?

Edit: My main goals are to tone my legs, lose belly fat, and gain arm strength while losing arm fat, but I also think back is like a bonus, so I'm js wondering if it would greatly impact my cup size since I don't wanna lose the little I have rn lol
@hemanthbadda Your boobs will get smaller if you lose weight, although depending on how old you are you might still have growth potential. Growing your pecs doesn't decrease your boob size since they're just lil bags of fat that hang off your body on top of the muscle lol

Also toning is a myth, you can build muscle to look more shapely and lose weight to look firmer, and you won't accidentally build too much muscle or start looking bulky or anything like that
@hemanthbadda Breasts are not impacted by muscle mass. You may be overestimating how much muscle you're gonna build up on your chest, it takes a while to make a huge difference. And even then, your cup size is gonna be measured from the breast sitting in front of the muscle. If you could build up giant man pecs, that would only increase your band size

They're largely made up of fat. So getting to a lower bodyfat% could affect them. Now if you get professional bodybuilder lean, ie, not much fat on you at all, then yeah, the boobs go away. But at a healthy weight, you'll very likely maintain your boobs.

In my own experience (and genetics will change this from person to person), I, 5'7F went from my fattest at about 165lbs down to 135lbs without working out. I wore the same bras the entire time. They were maybe a little looser on the band at my low weight. But I definitely stayed a B cup the entire time.

Now i'm 5 years into lifting. Still got the same bras. Fill the band out a little more due to growing my back. And when i'm at my summer lean weight, I'm maybe a small B, but still definitely a B. BUT this goes back to the bodyfat%. My summer lean weight is me getting back down to 135lbs... but now with MUCH more muscle, so I have less fat.
@dinafrancis Oh, thank you, I see. I'm 5'0 and I'm more than sure I'll stay this height since I haven't grown in around 3 years or so. I weight around 125lbs right now and I'm curvy, so I would just like to accentuate my figure a little more. I was just afraid they'd decrease in size since I like how they look. I don't plan to lose a TON of weight, just get a bit of a flatter stomach and tone my legs as well as work on my back. I also wanted to just get more upper body strength since I take care of my baby nephew and he get's carried around quite often. I used to be much chubbier so I have some fat in my upper body I'd like to get rid of, but I just wasn't sure if it would decrease my bra size.

I dont rlly wanna lift too often, just gradually gain arm strength.. if anything I mainly wanna work on my legs/butt and lose some belly fat as well yk? and i know losing fat could affect ur cup cup size so im worried lolll i dont wanna lose the little i got
@hemanthbadda Just in keep mind that you can't really "tone" particular areas. Doing ab exercises for example, will not tone your stomach. It can increase muscle but that can actually make your stomach look larger if you don't decrease your body fat %
@cgolordshammer well, thats my goal in legs lmaooo, i have a large uhhh "backside" and i wanna tone it and maybe make it a little bigger but i just wanna lose belly fat, which means i'll most likely lose fat in my whole body which is why im afraid of my cup size decreasing since i dont got much lmao
@hemanthbadda Personally, I would start doing some weight training and go into a slight caloric deficit. You'll still build some muscle as a beginner and lose some fat. Unfortunately there isn't anyway around losing fat and just hope that less of it leaves your chest.

This is far from scientific as I haven't read research papers or anything but I'm pretty sure breasts often lose fat at a lower percentage than the rest of your body. Genetics play a bigger part. Basically if you cut 8% body fat overall, you very may well only lose something like 2% in your breasts.

By training legs (without cutting fat) you are going to find your pants fit tighter and everything just gets bigger, not really toned. You can only control where the muscle grows and what gets bigger compared to the rest of your legs/body.
@cgolordshammer i see, i know there isnt any possible way to onlyy lose fat in one area without fat being lost in other areas, but i'd honestly like to maintain my fat, just get rid of fat in my stomach and back, but idk if that possible lol im new to this... i js wanna flatter tummy in general, i wouldnt mind keeping the rest of my body fat as long as my stomach was a little flatter
@hemanthbadda No you can't spot reduce fat. You will lose fat as a whole and you will notice the difference from the areas where they were less fat to begin with. Example neck, face, upper abs etc.. love handles and the breast will be the last.
@hemanthbadda You can't spot reduce fat, you'll need lose weight in general to lose fat.

And you also don't "tone" anything. You build muscle and then be lean enough to see it. Building muscle and strength takes time and consistency, so you'll want to lift often. 3x a week full body for 45m-1h will do plenty, but you do need to be pushing it with the weights.

You said you were fatter before... Did you lose much of your cup size then?

Ultimately, I wouldn't worry about your boobs, getting strong and fit are wayyyyyy better. If boobs are still a sore point in the future, implants are always a thing (but not one I would encourage).
@dinafrancis No, I lost weight before puberty and then I got my boobs, and I honestly would like to keep them lol but I don't want implants. I don't rlly wanna get bulky or anything, just lose fat which I know will result in my cup size decreasing which is what I kinda don't want but yk...
@hemanthbadda Take it from a woman wanting to get bulky.... You won't, trust me.

And very likely you are worrying WAY too much about this. We're talking about a few pounds really, not like 30+. And worse to worse... you lose too much weight and your boobs deflate a bit too much... just start eating more food again and gain weight back.
@hemanthbadda Yeah, you'll be fine. I bet you won't notice a difference in your boobs.

But I would still encourage you to start lifting and build up muscle overall, it'll look better (and it's amazing to feel strong)
@hemanthbadda Cup size is only affected by weight loss/fat loss so if you only lift, they should stay about the same, but if you are losing weight or fat, especially a big amount in a small amount of time, you should expect major downsizing as well as loose skin.
@hawinseity My main goal is just to get rid of belly fat, tone my legs, and get arm strength, but I was wondering if it would drastically impact my cup size since I don't wanna lose the little I have lol
@hemanthbadda so lets say you go on the /r/fitness wiki, find a program and start lifting.

most beginners when they start lifting if you're eating at maintenance lets say you gain 5lbs of muscle then you've lost 5lbs of fat. aka looking more toned by being leaner without actually having to cut weight.

in general you lose and put on fat in a similar order each time. you don't really know until you have gained and lost before, and it might work a little bit differently for puberty or visceral adiposity caused by super sedentary lifestyles.

tldr shouldnt discourage you from lifting to be stronger and healthier, and if you notice fat loss from areas that you dont want to lose from, to a disproportionate extent that you deem not worth it for your aesthetic preferences, eat more food.

assuming you're a teen i would probably not focus too much on the aesthetic goals in the moment even if its your initial motivation. like maybe decent noob goals would be doing lat pulldowns with over half your bodyweight, benching 25's on each side and deadlifting your bodyweight for reps.