Can I replace squats with hack squats?


New member
I'm gonna be doing this workout 3 days a week with a day in between. Could I replace squats with hack squats and keep the reps/sets the same or add them in somewhere?

Workout A
Squats: 3×6-8
Bench Press: 3×6-8
Pull-Ups or Lat Pull-Downs: 3×8-10
Shoulder Press: 3×8-10
Leg Curls: 3×8-10
Biceps Curls: 3×10-15
Face Pulls: 3×10-15

Workout B
Romanian Deadlift: 3×6-8
Seated Cable Rows: 3×6-8
Incline Dumbbell Press: 3×8-10
Leg Press or Split Squats: 3×10-12
Lateral Raises: 3×10-15
Triceps Pushdowns: 3×10-15
Standing Calf Raises: 4×6-10
@revealedtruths Former powerlifter here. When the goal became hypertrophy, I weened myself off. Squats always felt like shit, even squatting 3 plates as a 150# female. Genetic disposition for bad knees and two bone spurs later, my legs are bigger now doing only heavy hacks and light pin squats if I'm feeling good that day.

I can manage the intention a lot better and my knees ache a whole lot less.
Just give it a few months and see how you react, reassess in 3 months and go from there. Exercise selection is personal.
@revealedtruths Hack squats are going to emphasize your quads more than back squats. They’re also going to remove some stimulus from your hips, glutes, hamstrings, core, and lower back. They’re both great exercises. If you’re wanting to isolate the quads more and reduce some systemic fatigue, hack squats are a solid option.
@dawn16 How could I have both in the current program I'm running though? Should I have back squats on one workout and then hack squats on the other workout? Is it possible to have them both on one day?
@revealedtruths Yeah do heavy weight set of 3-5 reps, gain a bit of size obviously but gain a good amount of strength, then another day, go a lot lighter and go for at least 12, but aim for more like 15-20, get great hypertrophy and burn, which is where the growth is going to come.
@ladybug118 I was gonna say - I do strong lifts if you’re familiar. 5x5 squats. But on days where I move up the weight and feel comfortable with 3 sets instead of 5 I’ll make up the last two sets by doing the hack squats machine. Deep as you can get into that pocket, pause shoot up again for 5 repetitions.
@revealedtruths I quit barbell squats for good, I’ve done them for 6 years , hate them every time lol, now I enjoy legs with hack squats , leg presses, Bulgarian split squats, and lunges
@dawn16 agreed. no need to be wedded.

how do you progress in set/reps on those listed exercises?

plus they are healthy alternatives - cover sa lot of bases!
@revealedtruths I’m so glad I quit conventional back squats. Been doing hack squats.

Not only are my quads now bigger than my friends who back squat, but I also have less pain in my knee and lower back.

Back squats simply aren’t worth it on your CNS imo.
@revealedtruths Yes, expect significantly better growth and progression in your Quad development once you do. It baffles me how things like a Hack Squat aren't already the go to leg movement in gyms, they are just so superior for hypertrophy in every single way.