Can a single kettlebell replace a gym membership?

@is2017overyet I’d say as a start yes…just be clever with programming. I ditched the gym in CoVid and got a 20, 2x12’s see no need to go back to the gym. At the start the 20 got the most use and have since expanded to double 20, 24 & 28, all cheap through FB marketplace. I work out more regularly as there is literally no excuse, and what you lose in hypertrophic gains you make up for with useful strength gains and better conditioning. You’ll have to do a bunch of press ups to keep or maintain pectoral growth though
@wakemantk This. Best shape of my life was one kettlebell and body weight. I was running soju and tuba for presses, simple and sinister, the fighter pull-up program (I had to do pull ups on a set of stairs), a pistol squat program I adapted from the fighter pull-up program, and hill sprints thrown in there for fun. I didn’t step into a gym all COVID and got into great shape.
@is2017overyet I'm a cautionary tale. I bought 3 during Covid and tried to keep up at home work outs. It didn't work and I gained a ton of weight.
I gave up and bought a 24 membership in April 2023
@dcraigftw Correct. I tried simple and dfw. I took three coaching sessions and did some variations to spice it up but at the end of the day, I like machines and free weights more.
@is2017overyet Mostly it can along with callisthenics and some other cheap bits and bobs.

When gyms were closed on 2020 and I'd sold my weights a year previously , I picked up an 8,14 and 24kg Kettlebell from eBay for next to nothing . The other person bidding literally gave up at £11.

Along with bands and a home made chin bar, I had everything I needed. I still had 0.5,1,2.5 kg small weight plates from an old set so gaffer taped an additional 5kg to the 24kg bell for an extra bit of resistance a few months down the line

Bands are inexpensive so you could budget for some.

In addition I did / do lots of bike rides for leg conditioning and cardio. Walking / jogging is a good alternative for all round fitness.
@is2017overyet you'll be able to do a lot with that. after time, you'll need heavier kettlebells. check out the used section on marketplace and craigslist, you can find deals there. I would also suggest getting a pull up bar and an old person walker to do dips in.
@is2017overyet If you can get a heavier one for dead lifts/squats and a lighter one for more technical moves than I think you can! I stopped going to the gym during the pandemic and only did kettlebell exercises. My overall strength, cardio and ‘functional fitness’ was the best I’ve ever had. However, I didnt ‘look’ as good as when I went to the gym and focused on the pump.
@is2017overyet gym membership?

I have been doing KB for 2 years now, and recently got a membership for a gym because I moved to a place close by. Now I do the same KB exercises but in the gym, with the added benefit of having a sauna...but clearly could to without the gym benefits.

I would recommend rings though you can do pull ups and dips and hang them pretty much anywhere...