Can single and double press be progressed together, or better to focus on one at a time?


New member
I'm hoping to get some help with my programming. I can currently military press a single 28 x 5 strict reps, and strict military press 2 x 24s for 6 strict reps (I can do 9 strict clean and press with the 2 x 24s I guess because my shoulders get a micro rest during the clean portion?)

My goal is to press a single 40 x 1 and double 32 x 1.

Am I better off focusing on one at a time or is there a way to program both together? I'm not aware of any programs that use both together, instead they tend to focus on one or the other (e.g. rop for single, the giant for doubles).

My current program is based on Dan John's five fundamental movements. Full body 3x per week with a Squat, Push, Pull, Hinge, carry.

Previously I've done ROP and the Giant this year.
@andy0 Nor sure about both progressing but certainly you could include both in a program. But I think you'd still need to choose which one is the focus. The other can provide support and variety. E.g. focus on single but do light/volume day with doubles. Not sure how good an idea it might be this way. Maybe single press is better variety than double.
@andy0 I prefer single arm pressing, as I find my recovery is better. I also started getting a lot more shoulder pain from double pressing, but that's just me and my shitty mobility and weak shoulders.

From personal experience, single arm pressing carried over to double. I increased my single press to 44 kg and was able to double press 36 for 2 reps (with zero double training), when previously I could only double press the 32s for 2 (maybe 3) reps.
@jackier293 Thank you! Great suggestions. I'll try ROP with a 28, then a 32 if I can (otherwise a round of soju and tuba with the 32 first), then maybe Zsolt to get from 32 to 40 if I can.
@andy0 If you can press the 28 x 5, you should be very close to being able to press the 32 x 1.

Hence why Zsolt might be a good fit for you, right now. If you look at the first 3 weeks of the ZD plan you'll see it's mostly just pressing the 28 and the 24, anyway.

RoP will definitely solidify your clean+press. So will S&T. Let me know how it goes, and good luck.