Can y’all rate my workout and diet I’m trying to lose fat and get some muscle. I’m just starting out by the way


New member
30-45 minutes on the elliptical at jogging pace

5/3/1 strength building program , 45 reps in total for each workout 3 workout sets.

I eat about 1900 calories as calculated by macros and get anywhere between 80-100 grams of protein a day. I weigh 172 lbs now I’m 6’3 and 16. I used to be pretty obese now I’m at 23% body fat trying to get 15% body fat.
@zulubwoy If you gain weight, some of it will always be fat. Just like if you lose weight, some of it will always be muscle. Proper diet and exercise will maximize the intended goal and limit negative affects.
@zulubwoy You definitely need more protein, shoot for at least 160g/day if not more. Doesn't matter how you get it. That'll up your calories some, which is fine, you need them (if not even more). Keep doing what you're doing and things will sort themselves out. It's not a process you can really rush.
@zulubwoy It only gets slower the leaner you get. The 40 came off pretty easy. The next 20 will be much harder. Getting into the low teens, bodyfat-wise, requires borderline unhealthy dedication levels.
@zulubwoy 23% bf is already a healthy weight. You're 6'3", 173 lbs. What do you think you have to show off once you cut down even slimmer? Just keep chipping away at it. Keep building the muscle, keep slowly losing fat. Fat loss slows, yes, but think of it like a roll of paper towels. With a new roll, you can pull off one (or even many) towels and you won't notice a difference. But the smaller the roll gets, the more of an impact each sheet makes.

In other words, even slow weight loss has a visual impact the leaner you get.
@zulubwoy And the way to do that is to keep doing what you're doing. As long as you're still able to increase your training maxes per the program, you're building muscle. The fat loss will keep coming, it just doesn't happen as fast as anyone would want. But if you changed course now to focus totally on fat loss, you'd probably be like 165 (with some muscle loss) and very scrawny once you got as lean as you want to be. Not to mention you're 16 and still growing.

Just stay the course, it's working.
@zulubwoy If you’re 172 at 23% fat that means you have about 40 pounds of fat. To get to 15% you’ll need to weigh 156 with the same amount of muscle. So you’ll need to lose 16lbs of fat. 1900 calories should put you right on track. The program you are doing is good for beginners but not the best for muscle gain. You’ll need to do reps in the 6-10 range for building muscle. But you will build some muscle from the strength training, even with the calories you’re consuming, but I would definitely about double your protein to make sure you’re not losing muscle. Also I would move your cardio to after you lift instead of before.

You don’t need to be in a surplus to build muscle if you’re already at 23% body fat, you just have to make sure you eat enough protein and don’t have too big of a deficit. You only need to be in a surplus to build muscle if your body fat is low.