Can y'all give me your 15-20 minute stretching routines?


New member
Sup y'all,

I'm a Jiu Jitsu practitioner, alongside a kettlebell enthusiast. On top of that I squeeze these workouts into my day.

With my career and WFH, I often rush into these workouts but would like to make the time at the end of the day to work on flexibility.

In the morning, I wake up at ~7:45. By 8:00, I'm doing a 30 minute kettlebell routine which includes a 5 minute warm up/stretch at the beginning followed by 10-15 minutes on the dreadmill till I hit a burnt calorie target.

As soon as it's 9:00 I'm back at my desk working till 11:30 where I then drive to BJJ, I practice BJJ from 12-1, heading back home, shower eat and work.

Given that I work from home I obviously have time to stretch, I just never do it in the time frame of before/after my workouts because I can't be away for like 2 hours or so.

Given all that, is it bad that I don't do cool down stretches and if so, could y'all provide me with some of your cool down stretching routines?


I need to stretch yo.
@kadmar Hey, I’m a practitioner of Functional Range Conditioning. Mobility is what I do. I strongly recommend doing controlled articular rotations (CARs) every day. It’ll help build out your connective tissues and increase your range of motion in every joint. Let me know if you need a rundown, I’ve made plenty of videos 🤘
@lostanlooking I'll take you up on that. I'm in fear of becoming stale and immobile. I'm still young but the fear of feeling worse than I feel right now in 20 years scares me haha
@lostanlooking Got a repository for those videos? Or suggestions to find more?

In a different life I wanted to get FRC certified but never did. In my new life I know I have some limitations I’d like to address and wouldn’t mind a few more tools in my kit
@vhenebere Are you doing this exactly after you complete working out or a random time throughout the day?

I know it's best to stretch while you're muscles are warm but I can't make the time for it opposed to doing it hours later instead.
@kadmar I do mobility on 2 specific days of the week. Usually Sundays and Mondays

A little secret— all of my kettlebell sessions is basically a mobility session if you know how to effectively push your range of motion.
@kadmar I use a free app called "stretching exercises" - it's a red icon with a person doing a seated hamstring stretch. I do the 7 or 15 minute lower body routine after almost every KB workout and it's been super helpful for my mobility and pain reduction with consistency.