Can't lose more weight


New member
I started weighting around 105 kg (232 lbs) a month and a half ago when i start eating healthier meals (tuna or 2 eggs for breakfast, salad with 100gr (0.22 lbs) of chicken breast sometimes even without any meat just the salad for lunch and having just fruits for dinner) and i started going to the gym 3 weeks ago( 15 min Cardio then weight lifting and then 30 min more of cardio) but it has been 3 weeks and i keep bouncing between the 88 - 92 kg (194 - 202 lbs) what i am doing wrong? I am 23 years old and 166cm (5.44 ft) tall and what can i do to keep losing weight?
@emilywombat I've found tracking calories to be pretty important. Either I am way over and not losing weight, or I'm way under and my body won't let me get rid of fat.
@losinghope007 When I plateued, I did intermittent fasting,. Helps alot . 8 hr eating window. Stay below you 1800 calories is a base number to lose weight. Fasted cardio in the a.m.
@joshua1987 Hey, madness707, just a quick heads-up:

alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.

Have a nice day!

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@losinghope007 Muscle weighs more than fat. If you're lifting weights you'll be gaining mass. If you want to notice a difference fast, then try glutamine in the morning before cardio with no food.