Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

@crosswise What are you drinking?

If you aren't losing weight, you're either overestimating your daily energy expenditure, or you aren't calculating calories properly.
@julien I do 2 coffees per day with 1 big spoon of 2% milk and 1 flat, little spoon of sugar and then lots of water throughout the day. I always pee clear, never dehydrated.
@julien Yes, and they're negligible, it's maybe 20 calories tops per coffee.

And sorry about the color detail, but that's how I gauge if I am well hydrated or not. I drink A LOT during workout and post workout. I have a 32oz bottle of water and I'll drink one during lifting, and then down another one like that after workout.
@crosswise Its all good.

There's gotta be somewhere you are muscalculating, unless your hormones are way out of whack.

But even at that point, there's a caloric number that will make you lose weight.
@crosswise If you are really tracking everything well then just wait it out. I’ve had to wait for up to two weeks for my weight to drop after starting a cut. I went cold turkey into a 1000 cal deficit and accumulated water like crazy
@crosswise 4 eggs is around 288 calories, chicken 600 grams is already around 1434 calories, 125g of rice is around 165 calories, 20 grams of olive oil is around 176 calories, 200g(roughly half a pound) is 130 calories so that's somewhat an accurate estimation.

In total 2193 calories not 1400-1500.
All foods contain carbs, fats and proteins not only one type of macro nutrient. Which is the likely part where you messed up.

You are very likely counting something wrong and/or missing something out as well. No worries, we all can mess up. I messed up in the beginning a lot as well.

Rule of thumb, if your weight isn't moving, you are probably counting something wrong.
@crosswise Good correction. It's around 990. I used just chicken rather than chicken breast. Bringing total down to around 1750. Which should be enough to slowly reduce weight.
See, we can all mess up.
  1. you're counting wrong
  2. stop with the rice, you're trying to lose fat
  3. what do you mean you're snacking on greens throughout the day? how long do you actually go without putting something in your mouth?
  4. are you sleeping? are you stressed?
  5. walk more, a lot more
@crosswise Assuming you’re counting your calories - I’d get your bloods checked for hypothyroidism. I’ve got it and without my meds I’d need 1300 calories to lose weight.
@crosswise Are you drinking venti starbonks tripple mocha quadraformagio double salted caramel hyperbrews? Or dunkin/honeydew donuts 1 gallon buckets of cream and sugar with a few drops of coffee in it?

Many people keep on point with diet while drinking a chocolate cakes worth of sugar and calories and not counting it because "its just coffee".

You mention half a lb. of green veggies throughout the day ~100 calories - are you dumping a bunch of store bought salad dressing or something on those greens?

You eat 600g chicken a day- are you slathering a bunch of barbecue sauce or some other condiment on it to make it palatable?

Also, do you drink beer/alcohol? Cheat meals or go off diet on the weekends?

There has to be calories coming from somewhere if you are doing that volume of lifting and not losing weight. As a 170lb 34yo male your BMR alone should be well over 1500calories plus any NEAT and exercise.