Can't seem to increase that squat 1rm? Pistols


New member
Started lifting in January, SL until March then 5/3/1 until september.

Squat maxed out at 265 at the end of July. Next two 5/3/1 cycles, I failed at 270, though I could bang out 265. I really was aiming for that 1.5xBW squat (185/265=1.47). Just couldn't get it. I said fine, fuck it, and started working on pistols as I was transitioning to a more calisthenics/bodyweight/gymnastics focus in my training anyway.

Beginning of september - began with pistol negatives, 3 sets of 3 (each leg) every day for one week. On a plyo box so I didn't have to worry about hip flexor strength just yet. Then moved to flat ground, 3 sets of 3 negatives (each leg) every day for one week. After I felt good with this I was able to struggle and bang out a full rom pistol while bouncing out of the hole. 3 singles (e l) for a couple days, then I was able to string 3, 4, 5 together.

Once I got it, they kept coming. Last week - confident in my technique, I started adding weight. First set of 3 was unweighted, then a 5 pound kettlebell, then a 10 pound kettlebell. Next day - first set of 3 was unweighted, then a 10 pound kettlebell, and 15 pound kettlebell. Last friday I banged out 3 sets at 5/10/15#s then went for a single at 20# and struggled with balance but got it.

Decided to retest my back squat yesterday:







265x1, huh that was easier than I expected

275x1 not bad not bad

285x1 atg - slow but it went up! Without me doing back squats for a month! 20 pound increase.

Won't say this will help everyone, but it definitely helped me and could help someone else past a sticking point.
@facebookbrett44 with your 265 in july.. how many previous sets did you have?

why not just go for the gusto and do a few reps with the empty bar, then singles with 135, 185, 225, 245, 275, then give 295 a shot..

i bet you'll get it
I think he would as well, I've always found the structure of a 5/3/1 to be detrimental to a proper 1RM test.

I made it to a 2xBW squat by squatting more and doing singles on my 1RM test days like you described. No pistols.
@dawn16 I find that there isn't enough volume for squatting in 531. Again, this is just a personal thing, but I seem to squat better with more volume in the way of sets. I'm doing 5x5 again with my squats, and without fail my 4th and 5th sets are easier than my second and first. The weight just feels heavy on the first set or two, but feels 50 lbs less on the last sets. I can't explain it, I should be more fatigued but it seems to work the opposite. I struggled hard with 531 squatting, I tried 3 months, got next to nowhere.

I do absolutely love deadlifting 5/3/1 though. Same with Overhead press. Bench I'm not quite sure, it's in the middle of my feeling on squats and deadlifts. Sticking with it for another cycle or two, though.
The weight just feels heavy on the first set or two, but feels 50 lbs less on the last sets. I can't explain it, I should be more fatigued but it seems to work the opposite.

Have you tried using a higher weight for your last warmup set?
@carlitg My last warmup set is usually 25-30 pounds less, and I typically do a nice and easy double.

I do wonder if I warmup wrong, though, sometimes.
@ffm1967 I stick to the squat format of 5/3/1, but what has really improved my back squat is front squats. I immediately do them after back squats, and have seen an increase on both.
@ffm1967 I've been probably doing them for around 2 months, and it varies with what week of the cycle I'm on.

e.g. Last week was 1RM week. All in kgs (just so it looks like I lift) I had a 60 x 5 - 80 x 5 - 100 x 3 warmup for back squat. Then 110 x 5 - 125 x 3 - 140 x 2 - 150 x 1.

I then immediately (after not dying) strip the bar to 100 for front squats. I like to work back from heavy, and can now complete a 100 x 3 front squat. I usually follow with a repeat set of the same weight/rep. I will then do a 80 x 8 followed by 60 x 8 - 10. Plenty of volume, and this is only the start of my leg day!
@dawn16 Cool, I am definitely going to give this some thought. Right now I'm doing front leg extensions (quad) and I'm happy enough with those, but still...

Maybe I'll do it on days when I know no one else needs the rack (one power rack only, and a lolsmith machine).

Thank you for the insight. I'm in a real crossroads in my training program right now, as I'm not overly fond of 531 after what will be my 5th cycle now.
@ffm1967 I'm on the tail end of my 6th cycle, but my friend and I modified 5/3/1 to incorporate more of the exercises we like. For instance, my leg exercises after squats are; leg press 4x8, leg ext 3x10, Romanian deadlifts 3x10, glue ham raise 3x10, and calf raise 3x10.
@dawn16 Yeah a lot of mobility is required for pistols as well. I highly suggest putting any prejudice aside and checking out this progression: With bodyweight movements and calisthenics I have yet to be steered wrong or misinformed by this guy.

The first video goes through how to identify where the weak link is in your attempt to do a pistol squat (balance, strength, mobility) then the videos after address them accordingly.