Can't take sets to failure due to nauesea and lightheadedness before that


New member

I am relatively new to going to the gym and lifting weights. I have a problem with certain excersises that use a lot of body movement (e.g. lat pulldowns) where during my 2nd/3rd set of 12 reps i get extremely lightheaded and nauseatic and cant finish the set (even though my muscles aren't giving up yet at all). I have to stop immidiately as i get the feeling that i will have to throw up or will faint.

What could be the cause of that? Am i that out of shape?

I am 1.63cm and weigh 56.5 kg.

Thanks for any advice :)
@pathanten It’s likely just your body getting used to exercising. I would try reducing the weight or number of reps in the earlier sets and see if that helps. You can try to increase them gradually after you’ve found the point where you no longer feel sick.

However there are some medical conditions that can cause exercise intolerance so if it doesn’t improve after a while, you should talk to your doctor.
@pathanten Lack of food or water. Make sure to eat something about an hour before going to the gym, something with a decent amount of carbs
@pathanten You dont need to train to failure for optimal training effects. That has already been disproven as a myth. You can stop just before failure as well and it wont make a difference basically.