Change split routine


New member
I been following the push pull legs split and l have admit chest been looking nice and back been getting stronger but I feel like my arm area (shoulder, Tricep, bicep) aren't getting the lover they deserve.
My question is; you think I should keep the same system but put all the arms workout out and have a specific day y for them example: push pull arms leg
Or just change my whole game back to the usual bro split that is 1 muscle group per day?
Also I have mention that I workout till failure almost every workout
@stewy0042 Assuming you're doing 6 days a week- have you got bicep curls in your pull and tricep extensions in your push? Quite usual to have those isolations in and 2x a week should be enough.

Can add lateral raises to the end of any day.
but I feel like my arm area (shoulder, Tricep, bicep) aren't getting the lover they deserve

Your doing something very wrong then.

I'm running the reddit PPL and my shoulders and triceps are getting hit hard as you essentially have an entire day, twice a week dedicated to bench, OHP and lateral raises.

The pull day also has 2 variations of bicep curls per pull workout along with every other pull movement.
@stewy0042 You want more volume on those muscles throughout the week if you want to focus on them. Instead of pulling the arm exercises on the PPL, try adding a shoulders & Arms day instead. Push should include a tricep isolation exercise, Pull should include a bicep isolation exercise. Those are on top of the compounds and whatever else you do. Then on shoulders and arms you Superset a shoulder exercise with an arm exercise.

For example, this is the one I do:

Skullcrushers on chest day, barbell curls on back day

Then shoulders and arms:

Lateral raise + plate overhead raise

Shoulder press + hammer curls

Arnold press + overhead tricep extension

Shrugs + reverse ez bar curls