Clicks and pops whilst working out


New member
Recently started trying to get back to fitness after a 5ish year break. Now I (M28) am just doing some bodyweight HIIT circuits at home to start but I'm finding my body has a lot more quirks than it used to. Things like squats there's a slight pop in my left knee ligaments or mountain climbers make my hip click among others. None of it is enough to stop me working, it's not painful, but it's a real annoyance and enough to make me alter the movements.

Has anyone else experienced this? Will it go away or am I just going to have to deal with it?
@ganner I'm about you age and have a few of my joints used to pop as well, but since I started wearing headphones to gym all the popping has been completely cured.
@ganner Seriously, at your age I would talk to your doctor and/or a physical therapist. It could be something as simple as a tendon snapping which can get worse and become painful, or it could be a precursor to something more serious like arthritis.
@ganner My wife had this as well. Hers was diagnosed as runners knee and she went to see a physical therapist about it. My understanding is that the popping and grinding is from movements being performed at a slight misalignment. Over time it can cause cartilage damage and osteoarthritis. The physical therapist helped her retrain and strengthen muscles that had been neglected or underused in her general daily routine. I thought it was hokum, but the popping and grinding has significantly decreased after the therapy.
@none001 Very interesting thank you. Im more worried about the knee pop as it's a relatively new thing and the only one that feels like something is happening in there, the clicks are just clicks. I've got some knee supports that seem to help but my knees have been the most sore part of my body post workout. I'll definitely get it checked out when I'm brave enough to go to the doctor again.
@ganner I had a similar issue when I was doing overhead presses. I asked a physical therapist and it was b/c my muscle was tight and they suggested some stretches. I've actually had a minor injury b/c of it.
@analogica I'm the worst for not stretching before a workout. I'll definitely try and be better with it, see if that helps. Would be nice if it was a simple fix like that
@ganner I'm 19 and everything pops and cracks for me. However, ever since I started stretching (static and dynamic) before and after my workouts, the popping has significantly reduced.