Coach Sommer Spoke To Dr. McGill About J-Curls

@aamyggirl Anecdotally, my hamstring flexibility has improved from even sporadic, 1-2 times a week, Jefferson curls. Toes to bar are quite easy now in terms of passive flexibility.

I don't know what the move is called, but when I was doing in-room cardio, I would sit on the floor, roll on to my back and split my legs and swirl them around my body from left to right, sit up, then roll back down, and swing right to left. Previously (before Jefferson curls), my knees were always bent, but a few days ago, my RoM was incredible and my knees were straight.

So I'd say, if your sport requires significant hamstring flexibility, it's a worthwhile investment.
@velocityth I'm sure they helped you, I pretty sure they work at making your back stronger and your hamstrings more flexible. What I'm wondering is whether there are other exercises that could achieve the same things without exposing the same risks. Maybe stiff-legged deadlifts or good mornings could do the same.
@aamyggirl Yes, it would be good to get an idea of the rough proportion of people who get injured from Jefferson Curls. We kind of have that data for one arm chins on this sub.

or good mornings could do the same.

If I recall correctly, Bruce Lee blew his back with weighted good mornings, so that's not exactly a 'safe alternative'